
New Member
td4 2002 how the hl do take out the top 2 bolts holding the ird in,iam working with the car on axle stands , and any quick tips to get turbo out so p.....d off:mad:
Big long extension passed above ird but below oil cooler pipes, its very very tight but you can just do it. You have to have removed everything else, I.e. End brackets, drive shafts and dropped subframe. Have you dropped the subframe you are wasting your time trying to get ird out without dropping it off.
The way I do them is (and in this order)
Remove offside front wisbone bolt
Remove offside ARB drop link
Remove lower engine steady bolt
Remove 2 offside rear wishbone/subframe mount bolts
Drop wishbone and knock driveshaft out of ird
Remove 4 remaining subframe bollts (1 offside 3 nearside)
Pull subframe down and rearwards
Remove ird brackets
Remove lower 2 ird/gearbox bolts
Remove upper 2 bolts

This is about the best compromise between amount removed and access
Just going back to this as a novice, if i may..

Can you remove subframe when wheels are on ramps or is it a wheels off job and how do i get it high enough to work on if that is the case?

Gotta be axle stands on the rails behind subframe, wheels off undo bottom bjs. Anti roll bar links and mounts! I think thats it. Pretty straight forward
Thanks Diesel.. thought it was a no no, hence the question.
I've tried getting to turbo from the top but snookered by siezed injectors so need to try a different route in.. removing ird.
you mechanic types use all these abreviations.. but i need an idiots guide so i know what each bit is. Took me a while to work out ird being in effect the transfer box.
BJS just souns like blowjobs to me lol.. is it ball joints?
you mechanic types use all these abreviations.. but i need an idiots guide so i know what each bit is. Took me a while to work out ird being in effect the transfer box.
BJS just souns like blowjobs to me lol.. is it ball joints?

Yup lower blow jobs! Sorry ball joints:D
Well, guess it all sucks in the end.
Will have to have a go at tackling this job as soon as the weather improves.
Are there any special tools required other than the average do it at home, have a go mechanics.. that's me.
Well, guess it all sucks in the end.
Will have to have a go at tackling this job as soon as the weather improves.
Are there any special tools required other than the average do it at home, have a go mechanics.. that's me.

Not that I'm aware of! Just done the clutch on my 1.8, that was a doddle. Got to do the IRD bearings soon tho so I'll be joining you;)

pitty your not closer. A few beers, drinks and a dirty weekend covered in oil could have been had.
god no.. mine would never be that good, but i do get them to play with every night so that's much better. :p
This a major undertaking even in a fully equipped workshop using two post lift etc. Please ensure that the vehicle is fully supported on the chassis rails before venturing underneath.

p.s: bjs are ball joints.

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