Jeff Vause

New Member
Hi Folks, Need some advice. My 2004 TD4 Sport's clutch engages only at the very top of it's travel, when you've almost released the pedal. If it's a hill start there is juddering everytime. This week I put it into third instead of first to pull away from a slightly hilly junction (by mistake!), and their was a smell of burning. It drives fine and acceleration doesn't seem affected. Any help would be appreciated. It's done 103000 miles and it was supposed to have had a new clutch fitted by an independant garage at 90000 miles. Jeff
Thanks for that "TheVengefulElephant" (there must be a story to that!)
But would be grateful if you could tell me if the bite point at the top of the clutch pedal travel is normal? Jeff
No prob, would be grateful if someone else would come and back me up or shoot me down though!! No story to my username in particular, it was the name of a series on the discovery channel :D Everyone here calls me heffalump.

Not sure about the clutch travel, I drive a nissan and a 110 so I couldn't be sure!
Clutch "bite" point varies from car make & model to car make and model. Cars that are identical - ie all vauxhall novas have a similar "bite" point - all 300TDi Defenders have a similar "bite" point - but not across models or makes.

What you need is feedback from other manual TD4 owners.
Well again in my last post im new to 4x4 but i know most about normal cars. Like MHM says all cars diffo and each has there own distinct way. I got a 2001 TD4 and clutch bites mid point. What was it like before though , has it suddenly gone to high bite

Smell indicates spinning and not engaging correct.The garage that replaced the clutch 13 k miles previous did they replace the clutch or the cable but if they replaced it then it should not be going so soon tbh.
Maybe the cable (i dunno if freelander uses cable/adjuster) it may be stretched.
Just a few ideas but Im not the guru on the 4x4 , maybe somebody better knowledgable on type will be more helpfull

good luck
When a clutch is fitted new, the bite point is near the bottom of the pedal. As the clutch wears then the bite point rises to the top of the pedal travel. By what you are saying, I am guessing your clutch is on it's last legs.

The judder could be contamination to your clutch plate, flywheel needing skimming etc. The material composition of clutch and brake pads seems to have changed recently (the last couple of years) and I have seen more and more vehicles suffering from clutch judder.

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