
New Member
I have recently had a brand new alternator fitted, as the last one burnt out due to engine oil splattering over the top of it, getting into the electrics and burning it out. The problem is, no one so far can identify where the oil leak is coming from and it's started again to leak over the top of the new alternator and I'm worried it's going to burn the new one out again (another £300). I know the power steering pump is very close to the alternator, but thats OK, someone mentioned if the oil breather pipes are blocked, this will force oil up the dipstick tube and spew oil out all over the place, but again this seems OK. Quickfit have suggested it may be a very small crack in the Turbo intercooler pipe thats leaking, but it was too ackward for them to reach with it being near the radiator + air con condensor.
Has anyone out there had any similar problems like this, or any ideas what it could be?

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