
New Member

A quick question.

Is it possible to trickle charge the battery in the vehicle? The manual says not to ...but I want to try and avoid taking the battery out and so having to reset alarm, radio, rear door, etc.

Can I damage the vehicle.

I have a halfords 12 v battery charger with a low/ slow setting.

Battery run down by leaving the interior light on. Central locking and alarm still function but not enough charge to turn over vehicle.

All help appreciated.

I'd sooner trickle charge the battery in the vehicle than jump start it which has been known to fry your ECU. You shouldn't have a problem provided that you observe the correct polarity and charge on a low setting. When changing the battery you can maintain radio codes by providing 12 volts through the cigar lighter. Just make sure you get the polarity right! You can either make a double plugged cable or buy one ready made. if you just want to top up the battery you can use an electronic trickle charger or even leave it plugged in when you go on holiday:D.
Neffer ever charge a battery connected to the motor [Mings law] just dissconect one leg [of the battery yer loon] earth is best . . . . .why you ask ? cos youll feck the alternator ,thets why. . . .and i int gunna get all teknical cos yer Earthlings and thick :D :D :D
When the batteries charged full, most chargers will pulse the voltage output on and off. Car computers don't like this.

As ming ses, best to disconnect the earth terminal on the battery because you won't cause harm if you catch the body work whilst doing so. If you were to remove the positve terminal whilst the earth is still connected, and catch the body work, then you'll short the battery output power.

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