
Active Member
Hey Everyone hope you're well
Little bit of a worry - one of those niggles - and thought i'd ask on here first.....

I reversed up hill for about 50 yards quite quickly pulling into a turning after missing mine - and the TC light came on for a couple of seconds and then went out?

Is this normal???
I did accelerate quite hard and the hill was really steep, then swung into a turning ( may have been on a slightly different level to that of the road ) - conditions wise - had been raining ALOT today - i then came to a stop , looked at the dash - was on then went off - continued the rest of my way and no sign of the light.....

Does the light come on for a few seconds to show you that the traction control system has been used?
Would this explain why when i came to a stop and looked at the dash and saw it - it then went out?

Is all Ok????

Appreciate any advice in advance
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I would have thought that the traction control light illuminated because you had momentary wheel spin on one or more wheels carrying out the manoeuvre you have described - in my opinion the light confirmed the traction control system was doing its job at the moment of detecting slippage. I've been on two Land Rover Experience days driving a Freelander 2 - on one occasion at Eastnor Castle the instructor told me to drive up a 1 in 2 muddy incline and stop just before the crest, and then pull away. He specifically made the point that we were effectively only resting on one wheel due to the terrain and that when we pulled away the traction control light would dance on and off reflecting the wheels scrabbling for grip. Your situation seems to be a minor variation of this.
Thanks Ian - really appreciate you replying - i thought as much - just needed confirming! You're the best!! :)
Thanks for the acknowledgement my friend - it's really nice to be able to answer something as I'm usually the one with the questions!

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