
New Member
Hello All,

Before i start, i've already done some searching on the 3 amigos but would like run my issue by you lot and hear your thoughts. There doesnt seem to be a logical order to check this in so your pointers would be appreciated.

I took the hippo to work with me in the snow yesterday and it was excellent, no issues. Got back in to come home and the ABS, HDC and TS lights are all solid. I have lost traction control, i have no abs (i slam the brakes and it doesnt engage) and the HDC is staying on Amber. My brake lights are illuminating.

Where will i start? What are the first things to check?

cheers in advance,

Oh, you'll get slammed for this :D

It's about the oldest question on here

However - endless references to circuitous threads really doesn't help.

Depending on model/year - the brake lights can still work with the 3 amigo fault showing.

Easiest, cleanest and cheapest fix is to get the replacement brake switch with adapter cable - cheap and easy to rule out - probably best done anyway (link to come for the right one)

Then - if you have a digimeter and know how to use it, unclip each wheel sensor connection as near to the sensor as you can and measure the resistance across the sensor - should be around 1000 Ohms

If they check out, then you gotta get down and even dirtier and examine the sensor fit in the axle and the condition of the reluctor ring around the drive shaft - for each wheel
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Thanks Mark, I was expecting to get slammed for this anyway but if you do a search i was expecting it to be alot clearer... maybe something for the mods to look at... in the FAQs/Common Faults why not break it down per model too, might make it easier to look at.

Anyways, i'll get on to those checks, to be honest, i'm hoping it will be the sensor or the brake switch... its far too cold to be getting in about drive shafts!

Again Mark, thanks for the logical steps. (and thanks everyone so far for viewing and not getting stuck in about me :) haha)
My amigos are lit. As the traction control doesn't work will it be any good in the snow and ice? Haven't tried it cos I'm using company mondeo but as that's FWD its pants! Was thinking of using hippo instead.
My amigos are lit. As the traction control doesn't work will it be any good in the snow and ice? Haven't tried it cos I'm using company mondeo but as that's FWD its pants! Was thinking of using hippo instead.

does traction control deffo not work ? still possible for it to be working with 3 amigos.

it will still be better than the mondeo in the snow and ice, because it is 4 wheel drive, just not as good as it could be with traction control.
If you think a FWD Mondeo is pants - try a RWD Transit ! :eek:

The spread of torque on any 4WD is gonna be an advantage over any 2WD

Obviously TC would be great to have, better than having 3 different levers to play around with

The real big thing that people forget is braking.

Many seem to think that just coz they have some stonking great 4x4 (of any make) they can whizz around like maniacs.

Well, the average 4x4 is heavier and taller than a car - it actually takes more to stop it and is of no advantage over a car in that respect and actually can be worse in these conditions.

ABS will only allow you to steer under braking, it doesn't reduce your stopping distance. Though I have found the HDC to be very useful on slippery hills.

Smooth progressive driving with further forward observation, anticipation, planning and a healthy respect for surface conditions plus any other objects within 100 yards (stationery or moving) is what's necessary.

Having owned and driven various Range Rovers and Discoveries over many years, I find the that the Freelander TD4 Auto is by far the best on the snow and ice - the only proviso being ground clearance.
Good input! Not had chance to see if TC still works. I'll have a play at the weekend. Cheers guys. Good luck with van. Backbone of Britain apparently!

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