
Well-Known Member
I thought I would start this one.
What does everyone think about the suggestion from the government think tank that the Road fund licence for 4x4 should be raised to £1800.

I know that landy’s aren’t the greenest cars around but neither they the worst.
In some respects I would suggest that my 1964 2A is very green in that it was manufactured once and is still going where as a 1964 Ford has been made 6 times (Assuming a 7 year life.)
Think of the energy cost of crushing, transporting to steel works, melting down, transporting to factory, manufacturing and transporting to the show room.
Not to mention the losses in material that can’t be separated during the recycling process.

I don’t know how true this is but I have heard that over %70 of all the Series / Defender Landy’s ever made are still out there.
This has got to make the Series / Defender Landy’s one of the greenest cars around.

What dose everyone think?

Should we be an easy target for the Tax man?
What about all the German Autobahn cursers?

I know my landy is tax exempt but it wasn’t always like that.

My Landy doesn’t go that fast anyway:)
I think its higher than 70%...

That sounds a lot like my "your not so green yourself speech" When I get someone going "Why do you drive that" (reffering to my land rover) I look at their car and go, I see its "2 years old" whatever... they then agree, to which I inform them of the waste of energy making their car which will be replaced in another year, I also ask them where they go on holiday, what do you know... they fly, what about the tonnes of kerosene that they use, whereas I use 10 gallons of diesel to drive on holiday... These so called green people are pathetic...

Back to the point, tax at £1800!! What about farmers? I don't think they could get away with it. If they did, we would all just need to drive them about without tax anyway, like to see the government stopping is all. Also it would destroy the 4x4 market in the UK.

I think they should abolish road tax, and put a penny more onto fuel, they would make more money that way anyway, it means its more of a tax per miles driven rather then a straight fee, where some do 100's of thousands of miles a year, and some only a few thousand.
Hello All.

Just a few points to think about if they get rid of road tax !!!!!!

1. There will be more cars without a valid MOT driving around !

2. There will be more uninsured cars on the road !!!!!

3. There will be more badly maintained and unroadworthy cars on the road !!!!!

It was great listening to the phone in on radio 2 today ~ Well great until a stupid posh woman stated how she needed her 4x4 to tow her horse box to various events !!! SILLY BINT !!!!!!
I agree with what you have said, however I feel we could adopt a system where our registration number holds a yearly check... it would not be impossible... or we could still have a disc to show we have had our
documents checked etc... just don't pay the tax...

Damn horses, what these women need is a good man between there legs... walking dog meat that ruin land...
Its a total outrage. Ive just returned to the UK and this is what im faced with. £1800 for what? Exactly what is this daylight robbery going to achieve, with regards to making a cleaner world? Nothing.

The government must be falling over laughing at the fact that the public have forced a tax upon themselves. Blair will be hoping for more moronic do gooders to come up with some more completely stupid, insane ideas to tighten the rope around the neck of public freedom and pocket, not so that the government can put a stop to it, oh know, but just so that they can let the so called problem go on and tax the arse off it and add the proceeds to fund their corrupted existence.

Im now wondering and have been for a while, why on earth all the vans, luxury cars, old polluting cars, sports cars, super cars, diggers and tractors havent had the same levy applied, when they are doing exactly and worse than our 4x4's.

The fact is that the British public have lost the plot. We are slowly creating a prison for ourselves, in fact the jailhouse will be the only place that rocks soon, with more rights on the inside than for those on the outside.

So, we can all sit back now believing that we are saving the planet by robbing 4x4 drivers, lets just forget all those foreign countries who will never give a toss, e.g America, with its 6 litre Winibego's and the rest. If you want to remove a problem, you must go the root and remove it totally, its no good just triming off the leaves...

Shape of things to come


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Its good too see healthy debate and I like the idea of putting the Tax on petrol as this will encourage everyone to get greener cars.
But i do agree that somthing would have to be done about MOT's and insurance etc...

Just some more thoughts
I can get my normal boring Toyota down to around 8MPG if I push it hard but no ones suggesting a Tax raise for that.
If I pushed my landy like that it would expire by the road side in a very short time or I would take a trip in to the scenery at the first real corner.
If the tax was on fuel then it’s a personnel choice, don’t you think?

Liked the pic Rock
Couldn’t find a political sub forum Yella /wp
The only other type link I could find was
Land Rover Zone >
Land Rover Talk >
Land Rover Discovery >
car tax - now i really DO NOT get it!

Not really the place for this I think.:rolleyes:
I fully back you on this one Clivees. This is not about politics its about someone mugging you EVERY week for 35 quid. (on top of what you lay out already)
The tripe about Amazon is without doubt political..
This is an issue that will affect every Landrover owner and as such should be open for discussion on the "General Landrover Talk" threads

what also gets me is that the hierarchy sold us all the gas guzzlers and then they tell us its our fault for buying them, Land Rover are allowed to continue making these motors as are all the motor companies, nothing said to them.

They make a genade. They pull out the safety pin. Then the hand it to the public to throw. ****ers. Sorry, I dont make the policies on conservation, I pay a bunch of morons to make the world a safer place and they cock it up and blame us.

But what can we do every time we get hit with higher road tax, fuel tax, mot price rises, insurance rises because of tax, toll charges. Road pricing. congestion charges, Then there’s the enforcement cameras etc, etc, we just roll over for these parasites...legitimate motorists are just an easy target...non legitimate motorists get away with it time and time again...we might as well get a sticker saying I'm a legitimate motorist come and rip me off...

I'm sweating now...I'm off to the shower...:mad:
I like that Cartman690

Where can I get one of those stickers?

I think you may be on to somthing there.
They should concentrate there efforts on getting the car companys to make greener engines, and fuel companys to produce more bio fuels.

If Landrover brought out a new engine (a good new one) that would pull well, got many more miles to the gallon, and was happy as larry on bio diesel, we would be on a winner.

But no, they blame us...
if you want to get political at least get your facts straight. the new computerised mot system means that a police detection van can tell whether you have an mot or not just by scanning your number plate and entering it into his computer. your insurance company also sends your details straight to the national data base as soon as you take out your policy and then if you cancel your policy it also informs the data base. ;)
discomania said:
They should concentrate there efforts on getting the car companys to make greener engines...

i am lead to beleive they already do and have done for numerous years the latest batch are called euro 5, before these there were euro 1,2,3 and 4 ;)
I don't think It has anything to do with emisions or greenhouse gasses I think if you had a solar power or wind power Land Rover they would tax the sun and the wind...I'm off to the shower again...I'm not lookin at this thread again it rattles me...:mad: :D
£1800 for road tax ? That would put Land Rover out of buisiness.
What about the Ferrari's, bentley's, rollers etc? Would they exempt from the tax hike ?

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