Wot the **** are you on about.

My mate has a set of Tax exempt plates. Unfortunately they're on his tax exempt landrover..
You mean road tax? You'll need a flux capacitor and 1.21 gigawatts to take your landy back to the early seventies. :D
i would like to pruchase a vin plate and log book for a land rover series pre 1973.
where's bluestrobe when yer need him?

ear - was it you just sold that ringer to some poor unsuspecting bastid on e-bay?
Ringing nooo im just some geek who collects old stuff and puts it on display in my shed for other geeks to view.
lol no i dont know her she having a pool and a pub named after her thow.

looked on ebay iv only found a chassis with some got my eye on.

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