As you've posted this under 'Stolen Land Rovers', I'm assuming you saying the vehicle is stolen? Any more info?

well i think some people have too much time on there hands looking through ebay and then posting someones motor up on here saying its stolen !!

What right or proof have you to say that ??????

as your as thick as **** and have not even noticed its built on a 100'' range rover chassis how do you know its not down as a tax exempt range rover on the v5 ???

i wouldnt want you too even comment on my own motor as it would cause me to lose my cool, and you wouldnt like that lol
as your as thick as **** and have not even noticed its built on a 100'' range rover chassis how do you know its not down as a tax exempt range rover on the v5 ???

then why list it as a 90 ? surely if it doesn't have it's original chassis, and has been fitted with a different type, it will lose it's 8 points with VOSA / DVLA, and therefore lose it's age related plate and be issued with a Q plate, and will no longer be tax exempt ? To say nothing of the fact it now has a Nissan engine, so more points down the drain...

I am sure the OP is just drawing it to our attention so we can all make comments and come to a collective conclusion.
i wouldnt want you too even comment on my own motor as it would cause me to lose my cool, and you wouldnt like that lol

So you illegally claim tax exemption on a non-tax exempt vehicle then?

'cus that's all that's happening here, we are commenting on the fact that someone is selling a vehilce, which, on the points scheme should not be tax exempt, yet, is being clamed as one.
Whatever it is, don't touch it. It never says it's a rangie chassis. It has a newer dash than it should for a tax exempt 90. The chassis has been chopped so it will need to be checked and then when you take it to be checked you will lose the tax exempt status anyway.

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