
New Member
Hi all, you've probally had this a thousand time already but it's confusing the hell out of me.

When i go to fill up with diesel the vacuum from taking the fuel cap off is enough to suck a small child in!!!.

I've had the cap apart and the little ball bearing and bits and bobs move about fine. The fuel tank is only 6 months old and the breathers are clear.

When i park it up i can hear the cap hissing, like it's struggling for air.

It really struggles to get above 60mph and i think it might have something to do with this.

Any suggestions would be fantastic, even if its just advice.
Hi Blaster,

I had that with a 300Tdi CSW a few years ago. The fuel gauge was reading 1/3rd of a tank and it broke down on the M25..... When I took the cap off it did the same horrific sucking noise and the gauge dropped to below zero.....

I took the cap apart and made sure the breather holes were cleaned out and it was OK after that.

There is NO POSSIBLE DOUBT that the cap breathers are NOT clear.
If they were, the vacuum would not build up like that.

Is it the right TANK and CAP? Was it originally a petrol Landy?

TEST - Borrow or steal a fuel filler cap that fits, from a Landy that does NOT have this problem. Then if it doesn' have the problem any more you know it is that cap.

If you don't cure it soon, your tank may collapse inwards.


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