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If I take my Petrol Range Rover EFi into water anyone got a suggestion to what depth?

Will it quit on me or are Range Rovers built to survive this kind of stuff?

I've read I need a distributor waterproofing kit (Is this a waste of time or what)

The MoD used to spend a small fortune trying to waterproof it's petrol engines, then changed its entire fleet to diesel!!! Sorry I can't comment on the dizzy waterproofing, I've heard it can be done though I've no idea what degree of success it comes with. Let us know how you get on, having just bought a 3.9 Disco I'll be interested to know what you find...

hi charlotte

petrol rangies can take water ok if you go slow but raise your air in take up cause they like suckin water up as i found out a few weeks ago and wd 40 is a defo need dizzy water proof kit should work cause thats the only thing i had to spray

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