Sorry for the delay in getting back with this thread(health probs)
Bloody spot-on LONGDOG,I removed the window regulator completely and yes, the longest cable to the nearside slider had indeed frayed and got mangled and stuck around the top plastic guide wheel. Other two cables looked o/k so I replaced damaged cable with part of new kit from OKZAM Ltd on ebay.

After refitting the regulator to the tailgate and connected the window to the clamps everything seemed honkydory until I tried to operate the window from the switch.

At this the window would only go half way up and stop,the switch would need operating again and the window would go up the final half and then stop at the set-down position,about 2" from the top (this normally allows the tailgate to be opened by the hand lever).
The switch had to be operated again for the window to close completely.

When opening the tailgate door the window does not stop at the set-down position but continues to go completely down to fully open.

Removal of the battery neg and re-program of the CCU does not change this situation at all, any ideas please?

Haven't got round to sorting the 3 amigoes problem yet, that's for later!

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