
Hi there,

Bit of a weird one - recently had to replace the cable as it had eroded and snapped off at one of the metal runner blocks.

Easy enough to replace though I'm experiencing a couple of issues:

1) Window doesn't drop when opening the tailgate though is happy to automatically put itself back up if pressed down slightly before closing
2) Pressing the washer spray button for the back window doesn't work, however the wiper will still function with the other button.

Have I missed something obvious?


Did you fully drop the window when you replaced the cable. What does the window do with the remote to drop the window and with the key to lift back up.
Do you have water in the washer container before? Have a look to see if any water pooling on the ground or could the jet be blocked preventing the spraying.
Did you fully drop the window when you replaced the cable. What does the window do with the remote to drop the window and with the key to lift back up.
Do you have water in the washer container before? Have a look to see if any water pooling on the ground or could the jet be blocked preventing the spraying.

Window wasn't lowered completely when replacing as I needed to raise it about 1/3rd of the way to access the bolts that clamp the pane of the glass to the runners but when the battery was reconnected the window lowered fully to the calibration position then I held the 'raise' button on the centre console until it could go up no more and that was it.

Not entirely sure what you mean by remote and key however?

Washer bottle is full, when the switch is actuated you can't even hear the pump running and I have tested the switch and confirmed it to be working
With the remote you can lower the rear window by standing near the rear door and press down on the open button until the window drops. The key can raise the window fully by the back door and turn it fully right until the window returns up. Inside the car press down the rear window button until fully down inside if not and some glass appears you may have to readjust the height. The rear washer may be blocked with dirt in the jet nozzle.

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