
New Member
Hi again,
Could someone please tell me what the strip of metal at the bottom of the loading area under the tailgate door that holds the rubber mat inplace and also holds down the bottom tailgate door rubber is called :confused: . I need to know because i need a new one, the old one as had it.I have attatched a jpeg of it because i have had a few peeps look at my topic but no reply's:( .


  • 88.jpeg
    28.4 KB · Views: 195
Dunno realy but it could be called "a strip of metal at the bottom of the loading area under the tailgate door that holds the rubber mat inplace and also holds down the bottom tailgate door rubber".
jings ! if that wur mine it would get a rub down and some paint then bunged back on
Sorted went and got a shiny new one made up at a local metal fabricators £5.00 what a bargin:D


  • a1.jpeg
    182.4 KB · Views: 201

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