not aluminium - but this do ya?

"Determinants of Belief in the Innateness of Homosexuality
Tables 4 and 5 make a belief that homosexuality is something people are born with the dependent variable. Table 4 includes the Gallup surveys (and one PSRA poll) that asked the series 1 question, which gave only two options for the origins of homosexuality. Table 5 uses surveys from a variety of firms using the series 2 question, which distinguished between preference and upbringing. Table 4 has advantages in question wording consistency for both the independent and dependent variables (though party identification and political ideology were not asked in early years) and the surveys are spread out more evenly over a longer period. Table 5 includes whether the respondent knows someone gay and is able to distinguish conservative from other Protestants"
wos wrong wiv yer tailboard - ideal workbench, picnic table, viewing platform etc etc.
the subject of that scientific paper is based on daft himself, he was so proud, he wanted to share it with you all ;)

Ad, not sure if there are any Go Outdoors stores near you, but they have quite a few tables diff sizes, combinations etc. and they are all out on display I use a small square one (approx 2.5 x 2.5ft) that rolls up into a bag, like the folding chairs. its fairly heavy (even though its Alu) but it fits in the back neatly without taking much room. worth considering 1st where your going to store it and then see what size you can get and how to fold it away. We were quite happy seting up the stove on the table and eating off our laps in the chair.

visit your local caravan stores too, they will have plenty. look out for Lafuma stuff. French, and very well made.



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