
New Member
;) I have started a NEW thread guys as the last one was kinda 'hijacked'! Welcome to 'The Old Sods Sodbury Event & Ramble' (or T.O.S.S.E.R for short). Here is the link to the video of our day out! Depending on how good yer pooter is, you should be able to see it ok... enjoy!

YouTube - Newbury Ramble 2007


;) :D ;)
The 'sort out' was SO much fun! Loads of bits EVERYWHERE! The only trouble is, you get carried away and completely forget what you wanted in the first place. Well I did anyway... Next time we's gonna get 'organised' and make a list!:)
It's easily done! We were all quite restrained tho and no one came back with any useless junk.. Its never useless junk tho is it?! One day you'll use it.. fer something or other.. perhaps.
Yeah, chuffed wiv me non wheel carrying bonnet. Fitted as soon as I got home. One big hammer later, it lines up a treat!

Top werk HG. Whoddunnit? Cudn'ta bin you, unless you bin hiding yer light unner yer bush?

If I tired that I'd gaurantee I'd drop the cmaera out the fkn winda. Be interesting to see just how much footage we can accumulate of Adz unner his truck.

Well, HG, I reckon you are now official Random Roadies cameraperson, fer ya sins!
Thanks Marcus. I must of bin sum mean bitch in a past life eh?!!! And what eggzactly do yu mean by 'whoddunnit?!' I 'dunnit'! I am suprised I did'nt drop the camera too. Adz would've run it over! I fort it wud make fer an 'interestin camera angle'. Adz under his truck was good fer 'padding it out a bit'. We did'nt have quite enuff footage otherwise to git to the end of the song!
I know. I surprised myself... I pretend to be stupid a lot of the time so the people around me feel more clever. I'm nice like that:p
Looks like a fun morning - I'm mildly jealous.
Tell me though, have you lot ever seen a hill?
We shall hunt some out in Surrey on our next ramble! They won't be as good as 'cornish' hills i'm sure but we will have to make do wiff what we find!:eek:
I pretend to be stupid a lot of the time so the people around me feel more clever.:p

You're very convincing. :p :p

Ere' Trew, we do got hills, not like yers, but we have been up & down a few. Frankly, if we wuz going up or down some chuffing great steep thing & HG wuz waving her arm & camera about outta the wida like what she duz it'd probably end in tears if not twisted metal..........or plastic if Daft's with us

Spotted a fantastic looking waaay long lane which does go along a pretty high ridge in hills near Newbury, hope t'do that soon. Thas' hills & big looking un's on the map too.
Mmmm. Maybe me being 'camera person' is'nt such a great idea... Not if my Landy gits broke and bent in half!:( Will get MHM to film the next one. If he still wants to be 'ballast' in my Landy. Lookin foward to the 'hill' tho!! Woohoo!:D
Ayeup Ghandi - how wur zummerzet?

Will probbly be unnerneaf it next time too if it keeps making funny noises while I'm driving it!

Not quite sure why HG took so much footage of me under the truck and none of "the madhatman" while we were out last time... must be coz I is more fotojenik from that angle than wot ee is ;)

Anyways... I got some new wheels fer £30 earlier so even being known as 'Paranoid Patsy' as Marcus put it on Saturday isn't going to spoil me evenin'

i fink it beecoz i werent wiv yu last time - or dint yu notice!:eek: anyways - yu dont wanna see piks of us (HB excepted), but the action:).
I spose I shud ask yu guys - wud a hippoo have made it on ya last trek? I dont mind the slitty being derided by 90/series owners - but yu gotta compare like wiv like.
I have to say yu, Marcus, are makin me wunder if its all worth while me even considering green-laning. I thort the idea was to have a good day out - not "lets break the slitty today!":eek::eek::eek: - yo halo is slipping a bit!
Marcus wiv a halo? Hehe only ring ee got is the one ee sits on :D

All three of us were a bit concerned we might get stuck in that lake mate - I don't know how well a stock hippo on road tyres does off road but it'd have been over the door seals an' got its carpets wet I reckon.
it werent the depth of it so much as the sudden drop - a one foot pothole/sudden drop wud have had me grounded:eek: heres one we tried earlier :D

next time yu see me in Lancashire - watch out - it mite not be me:eek - watch!

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