
Well-Known Member
Wow! Ordered on Monday at 2pm. It Tuesday at 10am. Fitted it in my lunch break - literally 25 minutes. However, I had one grub screw refusing to come out so left the new nylon cup out so I could drive home (but today armed with my impact driver, half a can of plusgas, some gentle love taps and about 10 minutes of heat... new cup in).

What a bloody difference! Got to be one of the top mods for a TD5. No more sloppy monkey arm gear shifts. They are short and toight (like a tiger). It's like driving a modern day manual box. Quick, short and exact. Well worth the £95!

I highly recommend!
Yeah they are bloody good ay! Especially when you get the bias springs juuuust right. 1st is still a little puddingy on mine but hey.
It's like driving a modern day manual box. Quick, short and exact

And that is exactly why I don't like them :p. My friend has one fitted to his and raves about it as well, I hate the thing, make it feel very un-landrover like. Anyway the 110 has a very tight and short throw box compared to my series III.
Definitely one of the better mods on my landy. Now I just need to get the turbo spinning up quicker...