
Last Friday evening I jumped in my P38 V8 to go home from work and turned the key as usual. Just as it was starting to crank the engine the key slipped out of my fingers and sprung back. So what? Just start again... but no. Now all it would do is turn the starter and not fire up. Oh dear.

I tried a few things, check fuses, relays, look on 'net for tips. I pulled a plug lead and tried, but no spark. Further 'net searches revealed this may be a common fault, that the BECM was out of sync with the EMS engine ECU.

By Sunday I crossed my fingers and risked ordering a Syncmate from BBS. It just arrived. Plugged it in, ignition on. LED started flashing after a few seconds. Engine started. Problem solved.

It made me wonder if I had caused a glitch in communication somehow by letting go of the key just as it was about to fire the engine. Either way the Syncmate has solved it, by doing exactly what it says on the tin. So thanks BBS.

The Syncmate will now live in the glove box in case it ever happens again in a less convenient parking place. I understand that this problem may occur more often as the car ages? So EEPROM in the BECM's micro wearing out is the favourite explanation is it?

On the plus side I had to hire a Ford Focus diesel car to drive to Guildford and back, over 300 miles. I only put £45 of fuel in it and it didn't use it all!!


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