
Good morning all, I bought a second hand housing and after stripping down have realised it is not the right one? Apologies but unsure where to post to see if anyone has a spare lying around?
Part number is FTC5298 and its the RH swivel pin housing on a '97 defender 90?
I have one old housing spare, but doubt that it's the right one unfortunately matey! I'll have a look in the morning just in case though.

I'm intrigued though - what's wrong with the old one?

ps. Yes. I have read your pms, and kept meaning to reply - you must come over and see the new workshop (I can swing a cat)!
Good morning boguing, good to hear from you! I used a knackered torque wrench on the small bolts which hold on the oil seal retainer and one of the heads has sheared off.
I am waiting on a call to see if I can get a hand to drill the stub of the bolt out and re-thread......if that does not come to fruition is it something you could have a look at, I don't have the tools.
PM me your workshop details and I can pop over some time and catch up?

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