Chris Jones

New Member
I've got a 1996 V8i ES auto, which has started making quiet squealing noises every-so-often when cornering. I thought that I'd best check the swivel housing fluid levels but have come up against a problem. I can locate the filler plug, no problem, but can't find either the drain plug or the level plug, both of which are easily located on the swivels of my Defender. I know Land Rover started using one-shot grease in all vehicles in the late 1990's and wondered if my vehicle might be one of the earliest vehicles to be fitted with this swivel? Did the one-shot swivels have the level and drain plug apertures removed? If not, any ideas on where my level and drain plugs have gone?

Any help greatfully recieved as I'm quite puzzled by this one..?

I don't think the swivels actually changed, it was just the lubrication in them that was changed.
Drain plugs and Filler plugs should still be there as far as I know.
Well thats what I thought, but I'm blowed if I can see any sign of them anywhere!!! The frustrating thing is that on my Defender they're right there, sticking out like four sore thumbs!!! I'd be really interested to hear from ANYONE else who has any solihul product that has swivel housings like mine, i.e. with no sign of level or drain plugs.

Surely I'm not the only one..?

sorry, I only just found your post (by searching for an answer to the same problem) My 1998 tdi300 also has a filler plug but no drain or level plug. You can test for an oil level with some wire, but how you tell what the level should be, I dont know. Perhaps you can estimate where the actual level is, relative to where the 'level plug' would have been ?

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