
New Member
This problem has got me stumped, so any help would much appreciated;
I've just replaced the big seals (the ones about 7" across if I'm not explaining this very well) on the front axle on both sides, the ones sealing the swivel pin housing against the swivel ball, and it seemed to be job well done. That was until I put the oil back in the swivel pin housnigs - it started to flow freely out of both seals on both sides , one more so than the other
On closer examination, I can see that the seals are not held centraly relative to the swivel ball, with the top of the seal hard against the top curved surface of the swivel ball, and the bottom hardly touching at all.
There seems to be no obvious reason for this misalignment - the hub turns back and forth ok, rather too hard perhaps, but the bearings seem smooth enough - is my trouble due to a faulty swivel pin bearing, or could it have been mis assembled by the previous owner? I can see no way of altering the relative heights of the two main components, with only shims on top to set the pre-load.
Any helpful directions would be gratefully received - thanks in advance.
put the car back on the road, and try again.

if this still doesn't help, then it sounds like the retaining ring isn't holding the seal in squarely.
Thanks for the quick reply, but I looked very carefully at how squarely the seal was being held when I first had this trouble, and it seems to be fine - I took great care when first installing to avoid this sort of problem.
Any other suggestions will be gratefully recieved.
in that case, it sounds like you need to remove some shims, as the hub is being allowed to move an pull the housing 'down'. That, or your roller bearing/s are shot.
Thanks for the replies; I'm starting to think that the bits and pieces aren't assembled right, and I will have to strip them down and put one or more new bearings in.
Any other ideas?
sounds like worn swivel bearing or not enough shims. The top swivel pin bolts need to be tight If loose or shims worn missing then the oil will leak out.
Well, I've found the fault, or faults, if anybodies interested; the dickhead previous owner thought that it would make everything go much better if he put an 1/8" washer at the bottom, between the swivel housing and the swivel ball - this throws everything out and caused the big seal to not seat correctly. Several other hamfisted errors of servicing have also been done, but that was the worst.
Thanks again to all who heplfully provided suggestions.

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