
New Member
Hi All

I have just stepped up the size of my tyres on my 90, so typically, when I put the spare back on the rear door the tyre fouls on my NATO tow hitch.

I could simply move the bracket up a tiny bit, but I would quite like to fit a swinging spare wheel bracket.

Does anybody have any feedback with regard to the use of these??

Also can anybody recommend what make and where to get one as i seem to see a huge variation in price!!

Thank you in anticipation.

I've got one one on my III Jim (yeah, so wot am I doing in here with you Defender lot? ;) )

I don't find it any great chore swinging the thing out of the way each time I open the rear door, I actually think it adds a bit of security (an ignorant, chancer low life is going to have to puzzle out how it works before gaining access to your Landy).

As you close it, it locks in place with a reassuring clunk & a simple mechanism. I didn't fit it, but I read a recent Landy article about fitting them, seen how it fits on & it really does look a piece of p**s.

Don't know what make mine is (& it's chucking it down so, sorry fella, I aint'ent going out to look! :eek: ), but there's a lot about in the Landy mags & they must be much of a muchness?

Gotta say though Scorpion Racing do a wicked one with a high lift jack holder built in -> Hmmmmm?

Hope that helps, even though I only gotta III!


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