Most peeps dont go down from a P38 to a 110.

But ;);) I have a nice V8 P38 how much cash are you prepared.................................. to give me to take the 110:p:p:p.

Good luck with your sale and new house:).

Most peeps dont go down from a P38 to a 110.

But ;);) I have a nice V8 P38 how much cash are you prepared.................................. to give me to take the 110:p:p:p.

Good luck with your sale and new house:).


Feel like I'm the one going down :oops::D
Never really been a fan but they've started growing on me all of a sudden, must be getting old..

almost there money wise selling other bits so I don't think ill actually need to sell the 110, might stay a garden ornament a little while longer yet

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