
New Member
Hi all,

New to this site and have not long purchased my first RR 2003 V8 Vogue with a gas conversion. 4 days before going to Cornwall i had the suspension inactive message. Found a guy who cold look at it quickly and he replaced the compressor, set all the ride heights up and I payed up £850. I was in a rush so didn't test it, got it home and found that the suspension wouldn't go down to access level but would go up; to get the suspension down from its high setting I had to drive it until it dropped to standard height. If I hold the knob in the console in the down position it would start to drop, get most of the way down then just start to rise again. The mechanic has had it since last week in July and keeps saying hes too busy to look at it in depth but has changed the air suspension ECU and its still the same . Any ideas as to the problem as I'm thinking of getting it back and trying to sort it myself. (suspension went up and down OK prior to compressor failing). Thanks, Steve
With an opening title like that I thought you'd put Viagra in your petrol tank :eek: (other erectile dysfunction medications are available ;))

Please ask technical questions in the correct board for your vehicle, you'll get way better answers and find folk that can help, I'm just the welcome party :D
Welcome to the forum

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