The Don

Active Member
Afternoon all,
I was just wondering what the general feeling was, about fitting parabolics or extended shackles to increase ground clearance?

For a £170 quid parabolics seem a bit steep when i could just chuck some extended shackles fer £40, but is it worth it? I really only use me landy for offroading/greenlaning but im hoping to do some overland trips within the next couple of years. Is it worth biting the bullet?

any advice or opinions would be appreciated.
They wont alter your ground clearance but yes they are worth it. I would advise Chris Perfect springs (the purple ones), +2" shocks and +2" brake flexis. You can fit the shackles aswell but they can cause issues at the front due to the fact that swb chassis are not designed for them so the front diff sits too flat and the track rod can rub on top of the left spring.
They dont give you much extra to be honest. The difference is in the movement of the springs and shocks. You have to change the shocks aswell as the springs will lift it slightly and the shocks will top out.
The only way to increase ground clearance is either taller wheels/tyres and/or portal axles.
I've got 1 tonne shackles fitted to my 88", they give a bit of lift. I fitted them to help with tyre clearance issues and it worked.
i have 1 ton shackles and i am going to fit pair-o-bollicks in the summer, they give you a better ride and will afford you slightly more hight.
i have 1 ton shackles and i am going to fit pair-o-bollicks in the summer, they give you a better ride and will afford you slightly more hight.

Have you looked at the angle of the front prop, it could be getting mighty close to the cross member if you fit paras.
really only use me landy for offroading/greenlaning but im hoping to do some overland trips within the next couple of years

Hmm. All from what I have read and my personal opinion, but I would not go to parabolics if you want to do overand trips. Parabolics are generally softer than normal springs - and some people have found them to sag under load. For that reason I went for standard shocks when I replaced mine. If I was just doing off-roading I would have probably gone for parabolics.

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