So I had this fault for a while. Noticed the truck rising a bit slow when i got it, nothing major, changed compressor. All good... for a few weeks. Then i get the fault above every time i started her up. EAS worked for 30 seconds or so on start up, then the error and all lights go off on EAS switch. Plugged it in and get 'slow rising' which means compressor gone but alas it had a new one so i knew it wasn't that. Checked height sensors, sprayed bags for leaks, even though it wasn't dropping at night... Found a pin hole leak in the pipe coming from the compressor, going to the rear. It was chafing on the rear suspension. Cut and added push fit connection. Now rises like a small child on xmas morning. Simple fix but drove me insane. One way to check is have the truck off, manually operate compressor and listen at each corner for leaks. Back right is a common one apparently. Hope this helps someone else. Now to find someone to fix my water damaged radio unit:(

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