
Well-Known Member
Just had a weird moment....

I'm working on nextdoor neighbours car, up thier drive (he was havin probs with air in brake system)
About half hour ago, a Green Renault Master (or traffic) van pulls up, reg V512 FRA. Two fellas get out, one opens the side door on the van then stands there looking around. The other fella walks up my driveway havin a good look at the off roader (rrc in the avatar) peering through windows, then has a look through one of the front windows of the house. He then goes round the back and starts looking round the sheds. I can see all this from nextdoor neighbours driveway. I then stand up from behind the motor and shout to the fella if I can help, n whats he looking for....upon seeing me he bout shat heself! and scuttles off down the drive n van pulls away as quickly as a knackered old renault van can go. he didn't say a word!. dodgy in itself.:confused:

Maybe they were just the local gypos lookin for a bit of scrap.....but seems weird they didn't try any other houses in the avenue or he didn't say he was after scrap when I called over to him.?

...or maybe he thought he would av a closer look see if anything worth nicking?????

I'm North Manchester, near to Heaton Park. Just a heads up for anyone else on here in my part of the world.;)
i would have glassed the mother ****er! definately after you landy, or a way into your house to get keys.
You ought to call the old bill and report it, with the ANPR they have they can pull him. If he's got anything dodgey in the van or has tools for theft he can be nicked. Worth a call.
i would have glassed the mother ****er! definately after you landy, or a way into your house to get keys.

I thought they just went after Defenders.:rolleyes:
Was weird the other fella was stood by the van with the side door open.
Was a shame the fella up the drive snooping was a thin boney lookin runt....cos the only thing not locked up is a knackered transfer box I could do with gettin rid of up the tip:doh:....if only he'd of asked?!
You ought to call the old bill and report it, with the ANPR they have they can pull him. If he's got anything dodgey in the van or has tools for theft he can be nicked. Worth a call.

Thanks Storm. Yeah, I called to local rang through to an I called 999. Yeah, they were suprisingly helpful, and took a short statement over the phone
I thought they just went after Defenders.:rolleyes:
Was weird the other fella was stood by the van with the side door open.
Was a shame the fella up the drive snooping was a thin boney lookin runt....cos the only thing not locked up is a knackered transfer box I could do with gettin rid of up the tip:doh:....if only he'd of asked?!

they go after anything they can get their pikey piece of **** hands on! one was snooping a load of bits on my drive, it was all scrap but my dad showed the ****er where to go! i wasnt in luckily!

dont give em anything! give em an inch and theyl take a mile! i hope i bump into them if they come my way!

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