My mother in law asked me to get rid of her old mattress

I went down and chucked it on the back of the truck but thought I'll take it down tomorrow

Overnight it rained , a lot

The mattress was one of those foam ones

When I got there I couldn't move it, not an inch

I spent 1/2 an hour jumping up an down on it until I got enough water out, must have been 30 gallons

So yes I can believe how much a car mat can hold :D

Recently sorted out a leak into the front footwell on the Disco 2 and it took AGES to dry the under carpet foam out.
Currently in the doghouse for drying two cars' worth of mats and sound proofing in the living room. Apparently the bathroom would have been more acceptable, but the radiator is a lot smaller.
They can hold a lot - but its only a few hours drying time on some warm chippings in 30-40 degree heat in rural France.

Thats how I dry mine - once a year, I strip it when we are over in the hovel and lay it all out on the chippings. SWMBO and my mother go spare as 'the place looks like some bloody Land Rover scrapyard!'

Cheeky bleeders!! :fencing::ballchain:

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