
Active Member
Morning Peeps

I have been surfing to no avail.

I need to buy a Fan removal tool with two holes and a 32mm long spanner.

Cant find anywhere. Only Sport ones and BMW ones.

Anyone know where to purchase, as I really need to change my electric Thermostat.


Oh ok cheers

I was kinda looking at the ones with two holes in, but by the look of yours, I think it does the same thing.

There does seem to be lots of them and all very similar like the sport one .

Its just that one it never says use for l322 as well, and 2 there seems not to be ones just for l322.

But... as I say above, they all look the same.

To change the stat, no need to remove the fan.....

Easier without the fan, but I changed mine with it in situ...
Take it to a local garage bung him i fiver to whip the fan off
It will be ok to drive home no more than a few miles
Do what you need to then put the fan back on hand tight and it will self tighten when engine is running
You’re welcome to borrow mine if you are stuck


Thanks for the offer on the tools. I will have a crack at it with out removing. If it doesn't work I will get the garage bloke to shift it. and then do it . if I cab drive back ok like you said. Let you peeps know how it goes.



Im in Kent Bluewater
I will add to profile
Evening peeps. I have successfully replaced my Electric Thermostat

with out removing the fan or cover/shroud. It was easy bar the bolts

on the way out (little brstrds ). They flew in with easy as I soaked

them in WD40. Anyways diversing here, all done and burped.

Thanks all for the help. Probably be back for some more help.

N.B. I did notice even for as long as I ran the engine, while burping,

that the coolant did not get hot or at least not yet. I ran for a good 10

mins and the temp gauge was middle of the dial. Before when

topping up I have noticed it being hot.



Morning. Added the Electric Thermostat last night, just under an hour. I did it without removing the Fan and shroud/cover. Hand soar though Lol.

Thanks for all your help peeps


I’ve just changed my thermostat too. Not sure why you were having to change yours Rich but, in my case, it came about because of the failure of the electric heater which caused a short in the wiring.



This blew one of the five 30A fuses in the fuse block in the E-box.



Scarily, this same fuse also powers both the engine and transmission ECUs.



The result was that I was just pootling along at 50mph when I lost both the engine and transmission at the same time. Fortunately I was able to coast to the side of the road and stop safely. I called the AA and the guy spent an hour trying to find the issue, but couldn’t, so they had to call for a recovery truck to get me home. If it had happened while I was driving in the 3rd lane of the motorway ……..

The thermostat is nominally set to open at 105 deg. C on the BMW V8, which is the condition used at part/light throttle openings to extract the best fuel economy/emissions.


Once the coolant has passed through the engine the resulting temperature at the sensor is around 110 deg. C.

When the engine is under load the engine ECU switches on the electric heater to open the thermostat at a lower temperature. For example, when driving on the motorway I’m measuring 95 deg.C coolant temperature using my Faultmate, compared with 110 deg. C around town.

Under this strain (temperature & pressure) I guess it’s not surprising that the cooling system in the L322 has its problems.
An electrically heated thermostat is another piece of uneccesary over complication IMO and having on the same fuse as the engine and transmission is just plain bad design.
ahhh bemble is still on here :) how do I get hold of him? I need his advice but hes not taking PMs

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