
New Member
Hi everybody,
I am university final year student working on a report related on sales of Skoda auto in United Kingdom. Questions in the questionnaire are related to advertisement on Skoda and your own experiences with this brand. But do not be disappointed, this survey can fill everybody. And I will be happy when you will fill it too.

This survey is here to ask some questions about reputation of Skoda auto in United Kingdom and about perception of advertisement.

After analysis of all answer backs I will create a marketing strategy to increase a market share.

Whole survey is ANONYMOUS and I promise that all information collected will be kept strictly confidential!

This survey is UK ONLY!

Come on then lads and lasses - let's see how many Skoda jokes we can remember.....
Bloke walks into the parts dept. of a garage and asks...

"Have you got a filler cap for my Skoda please?"

The assistant, without so much as a grin, says:

"Seems like a fair exchange mate!"


Q. How do you double the value of yer Skoda?

A. Fill it with fuel


Q. What do you call a Skoda with a sunroof?

A. A skip!


Q. What do you call a Skoda with a sunroof and twin exhausts?

A. A wheelbarrow


Q. Why do Skodas have heated rear windows?

A. To keep yer hands warm while you're pushing it!


Q. Why do Skodas have a rear wash wipe?

A. To remove insects (think about it!)

...and finally!

Q. What's the difference between a Skoda and a Jehovahs Witness?

A. You can shut the door on a Jehovas Witness!

You forgot this one:

Why is there a spoiler on the back of the skoda rapid?

To use as a handrail when you are pushing it!
:( Had a run in with a new Skoda last year, took ages to clean the scene of the accident, Bloody Jam n Cream all over the shop :rolleyes:

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