Leaky Landy

New Member
Last night my partners truck broke down on a single track road pointing up hill! Steep Up Hill.!! I was in front of her with the TD5. The only thing for it was to tow it up hill back home. Now this truck is a Dodge Horse box, the size of a bus, supposed to carry 3 GG's and got room for accomodaition, kit the lot, weights 4.5ton empty.
It was empty so I tried to tow it up hill. Low box 2nd gear and off it went, towed it up hill faster than the F'in thing drives it's self. The disco only gave up when all the air drained from the trucks air tanks and the brakes locked on, then my mates tractor couldnt pull it.

Is this some sort of supa disco, or do "They all do that!":D :D
dunno, but i once saw a police disco on the motorway pull a 38ton artic/trailer out of the way onto the hard shoulder.
very impressive.
but i once saw a police disco on the motorway pull a 38ton artic/trailer out of the way onto the hard shoulder.

Would loved to have seen that..!!!

i've towed a big john deere combine in my disco. just to prove i can
:eek: Crumbs..!!

Good article in Febs issue of LROI, of a 110 (well 127) Defender (200TDi) pulling an 2700 KG of boat, a Nissan L200 failed to move the boat without killing the clutch.. :) TD5's must be awesome...!!!
he he he, used a fine 10mm nylon rope, the bruises were from me hitting her with an ol' bike chain, we know how to treat women up here;)
hi. has any body fitted one of these big intercoolers from allared the ones
on ebay and doo they make any difference.300tdi discovery:confused:
this is what jeremy fearns says,,

Increases the power output by approximately 35 BHP over standard to a total 145 BHP.
Increases torque to 250lbs/ft.
Increases the boost pressure on the 200 TDI’s by 3 PSI (not on the 300 TDI’s).

ive not done it but if i had the dosh, its the first mod for me.
bit better than leather gear knobs etc...

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