Western Slope Rover

Well-Known Member
And since it's below freezing right now, that's a bummer.
I closed it manually. After doing so, I could hear the motor running but the sun roof didn't move. It would go for a bit and then stop. It repeated this a few times, the sun roof never moving. When the motor was running, I activated the roof switch and the motor stopped. So I taped the switch and drove home. My Rover is a1995 soft dash classic. Have any of you dealt with this weirdness before?
AVIOD the drive-through car washes until you've got it sorted!
I'd be tempted to remove the appropriate fuse until you're able to resolve it properly.
And since it's below freezing right now, that's a bummer.
I closed it manually. After doing so, I could hear the motor running but the sun roof didn't move. It would go for a bit and then stop. It repeated this a few times, the sun roof never moving. When the motor was running, I activated the roof switch and the motor stopped. So I taped the switch and drove home. My Rover is a1995 soft dash classic. Have any of you dealt with this weirdness before?
By the way...it's NOT a Rover...it's a RANGE Rover. Rovers are totally inferior modes of transport...or our four-legged friends with waggy tails!
I would say it’s the switch...
But if one of the actuators in the controller
Gets grounded out it will kick on...
Maybe it had mosture in it and the freezing
Temp caused it....
Or the demon the lives in your Rover is just messing with you.
I would say it’s the switch...
But if one of the actuators in the controller
Gets grounded out it will kick on...
Maybe it had mosture in it and the freezing
Temp caused it....
Or the demon the lives in your Rover is just messing with you.
Just needs a great Range in his Rover... As opposed to a Tiger in his Tank...
They're not Demons, they are Gremlins, not to be confused with the film of the same name. First discovered playing around with aircraft, often leading to catastrophic results. However since the introduction of the Range Rover a number of them have transferred their affections to this modern marvel of the engineering world.
AVIOD the drive-through car washes
I would say it’s the switch...
But if one of the actuators in the controller
Gets grounded out it will kick on...
Maybe it had mosture in it and the freezing
Temp caused it....
Or the demon the lives in your Rover is just messing with you.
The motor runs with the switch disconnected, so I'm guessing it is grounding out. I just pulled the plug on the motor. Pulling the fuse would shut down my rear wiper and the weather is crap. I'll deal with it when it gets warmer.
By the way...it's NOT a Rover...it's a RANGE Rover. Rovers are totally inferior modes of transport...or our four-legged friends with waggy tails!

I know where you are coming from, but my '87 Vogue is (& always has been) described on the V5c as a Rover whereas I guess it should be Land Rover.
I've never queried the error, pointing out mistakes to a computer is opening a can of worms o_O
I know where you are coming from, but my '87 Vogue is (& always has been) described on the V5c as a Rover whereas I guess it should be Land Rover.
I've never queried the error, pointing out mistakes to a computer is opening a can of worms o_O
My 2000 Vogue is ALSO refered to on Goverment sites as a Rover...but I'd NEVER admit to that on here.....shhhhhhh
They're not Demons, they are Gremlins, not to be confused with the film of the same name. First discovered playing around with aircraft, often leading to catastrophic results. However since the introduction of the Range Rover a number of them have transferred their affections to this modern marvel of the engineering world.

Goblin. The Green Oval Goblin to be precise. He's a little b*st*rd. Waits till you're down down before coming out and kicking you inna fork.
Or until it is freezing and raining and then shorting you sunroof so it jams open and you turn up to your job interview looking like you've been waterskiing at the bar.
Or until it is freezing and raining and then shorting you sunroof so it jams open and you turn up to your job interview looking like you've been waterskiing at the bar.
But I SAW him water-skiing before your interview...so don't let him blame his poor P38!!!

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