
New Member
Has anyone had the plastic part replaced with ali chequer plate and welded onto the sumpguard frame ?
i just modded mine shutty last week was gonna post sum pics . . .anyhows cut a long story short i put stainless bar from front to rear wiff quick realease bolts, and when i get round to it ,two others from cross sub frames. . . .a big hole for sump drain [for oil change without taking anything orft] i used wot electricians and plumbers use for access into floor boards and you can buy a plastic plug to fit into it [made by silvermans ,in the scewfix catolog]. . . .anyhows its the dogs :) :) :)
i used wot electricians and plumbers use for access into floor boards and you can buy a plastic plug to fit into it [made by silvermans ,in the scewfix catolog].

is them things anygood then Mingo ?
i used wot electricians and plumbers use for access into floor boards and you can buy a plastic plug to fit into it [made by silvermans ,in the scewfix catolog].

is them things anygood then Mingo ?
just perfict fer my sump mod. . .didnt want any tree branches pokin up the hole and wrenchin it orft ,so i fitted the plastic [silverman] insert and a bit er flat steel 2x quick realease bolts . . .job done pefict [yup mondo] :) :) :)
Imeant are they any good fer fer floorboards in owsis yer muppit!:rolleyes: ;)
oh i see now . . . .yes very good ,best to check best yer can no pipes or leccy bits underneath wiff a detector, make sure yer not part way to a joist, drill down till just nearly through , then thump it wiff fookin big hammer , check no pipe or leccy bits ,finnish orft [as last bit has a chaffer ], when youve run yer pipes or leccy bits jist silicone the plastic cover on. . . . . .wot am i tellin you for mondo ? sides i'm jist a spacetwot :p :p :D :D ;)
i used wot electricians and plumbers use for access into floor boards and you can buy a plastic plug to fit into it [made by silvermans ,in the scewfix catolog].

is them things anygood then Mingo ?

Meybe yu autta ask a nelectrician.:D

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