:frusty: I’m not wanting to patronise anyone or ‘teach your grandmother to suck eggs’ but I’d like to offer some suggestions as to what you could do if you are unfortunate enough (like me in January) to have your beloved Landy stolen.

Other than stating the bleeding obvious about immediately contacting the police & your insurance, here are a few suggestions which you may not have considered;

1) Contact local Landrover clubs with your details, description of the vehicle and ask them to keep an eye out.

I went as far North as Cumbria, south into Wales and out as far as Derbyshire – comprehensive lists of clubs can easily be found if you google it.

2) Do you have a local dairy? There’s lots of hardworking milkmen & women out and about in the wee hours who could keep an eye out too.

3) Get your details fired off to mystolenlandrover.com or other similar websites.

4) Place a free advert in national magazines, I did this in both LRO – lrovehiclesforsale@bauermedia.co.uk and in LRM – classifieds@lrm.co.uk

5) If you have some distinctive bits – set up searches on e-bay to keep an eye out for them.

I have been lucky, in some ways, and have had Big Blue recovered after only been stolen for two weeks although it’s been totally changed.

On advice from the police, do have ‘evidence’ of any new bits you put on – receipts & photographs. :5bwilly_nilly:

Oh and vote for any political party that’s willing to bring back the death penalty for car thieves in the next General Election.:mil71:
Not bad man not bad. My votes cast, unless the tory's give plastic cameron the boot

As it is you've got LPUK and BNP are about the only ones going for sensible punishments unlike liberal britain.

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