
Never Knowingly Understood
Full Member

The escalation with these thefts - not just the quantity - the obvious planning; specialist knowledge involved; relentless efficiency - even including allegedly leafletting areas - it is staggering and very, very worrying. :(:(

I reckon they're being scouted out, targeted, grabbed then rushed to Felixstow or Harwich for container shipment away ...
I reckon they're being scouted out, targeted, grabbed then rushed to Felixstow or Harwich for container shipment away ...
Yes - trailering seems to be the efficient system. I wonder if it wld be possible to bring together groups to put pressure politically. Afterall how many peeps in powerful positions have/use landies! Clearly specific police forces having plans and taking measures is not enough to solve the problem nationally.
The escalation with these thefts - not just the quantity - the obvious planning; dogged determination; specialist knowledge involved; relentless efficiency - even including allegedly leafletting areas - it is staggering and very, very worrying. :(:(

Agree absolutely. Very, VERY concerning.
If caught they should be done for attempted murder.
Bloody right they should but we all know in the unlikely event they do catch the b## tards it'll just be some pathetic community sentence, thats if they dont just hitch up their caravans and fork off elsewhere

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