New Member
hi guys i know theres some threads regarding this subject, i,ve read through them, but call me thick if you want could do woith someone explaining a little clearer if at all possible, ok here goe,s replaced the head unit for a panosonic cd player, 2 of the iso plugs go direct into the unit leaving one plug with 1 black wire and one red wire with no where to plug in, the cd at this stage now plays ok but only through door speakers and rear pillow speakers, without a problem, just a little tinny, so i took that unit out plugged the standard landy unit back in, then through trying found out that the remaining plug with the red/black wire in, is the baby to work the rear door speakers, which no doubt you guys know anyway, question is whats the secret to patch these wire into the other plugs if thats what you do, no idea myself, perhaps some kind person can help me out here, hopefully giving me basic instructions and if poss the coloured wires i need to connect into either via the iso plugs or the plugs in the sub in the back door, the landy is a 1995 model if this helps at all, many thanks guys, cheers sumo
Do you have low level outputs on your head unit (phono plugs), if so you need to cut the iso connector off (the one with the red and black wire) and get a phono plug from maplin (or somewhere similar), connect the red wire to the center pin (+) and the black to the outer (-), then plug that onto either the left or right low ouput (dosn't matter which one). hey presto, working sub.
Do not be tempted to be clever and try and connect left and right low ouputs together as it will short out the preamp in the head unit. The sub only works as mono even though there are two speakers.
If thats too much for you, you can get a patch lead from ebay (about £12 plus postage i think - bloody rip off), or maybe your local car audio store will have one.
Hope that helps.
Just done exactly that myself, the rear subs are normally 'toast' mine had rotted out the edge, I replaced the rear corners, front doors and Subs with SONY full range from Halfords in the sale. Came to about £100 all in.

The subs are a pain to remove (careful use of lever required) screw holes for new ones already there :cool: . Just unscrew the amp from them and wedge into the door with some polystyrene (?) as packing, then re-solder wires to new speakers and reassemble....

Now I have a very nice all original looking set up as all the original covers were used (I have seen some horrors in front door cards) you just need to be VERY gentle with the grills to get them off:eek:

I sniped a flip screen DVD/TV/Radio/MP3 like the £1000 pioneer jobs for £85 on E bay, should look good with Memory-Map running from the GPs for green lanes.
The red and black are the left and right positives to the subs not a positive negative. You do not need an earth from the phono plug as the amp behind the subs uses the chasis as its earth.
Hi James, just read your post on this , i'm sure that they are +&-. But you've got me thinking now, so i'll check mine out tomorrow, if they are left & right in theory I should only be running one sub ???
the amp is a 2 channel amp one for each speaker so in theory the subs are left and right, no real point to this at all.

If you open up the amp you will find that there are 2 terminals marked + one is the left and one the right.
Ok, so it seems were both right !!! or both wrong !!!

Looking at the rear amp, the red and black wires both apear to be + inputs (as james said), they are both screened together in the loom (so the screen would be the -).

But, I had mine connected up as I said earlier (red as +, black as -, on one channel only) and both subs are working quite nicely, I took my head unit out and reconnected the wires as james said (left & right positives with no earth) and the subs are alot quieter although they still work. Seems that with just one positive connected the subs are better than with both connected !

I did have a quick look at the patch leads on ebay, and they only appear to have one phono connector (so must be wired as + & -).

So, there you have it, the answer is try it and see which works best for you.

And just to finish the day off nicely, after i'd put it all back together, in the afternoon the rear door central locking actuator packed up, so a quick trip out to MM 4x4 to aquire a new one (oh how I love spending hours working on my disco)...
thanks for the replies guys, sorry its a bit late was away from home last night, checked the head unit, all i have as inputs are a red and white which i think is a small jack plug for each one, don,t know if this helps but this is the unit not to much information on it, i,ve worked out on the amp that one of the plugs is a live feed, on the other plug its just black and white which i pressume are the speaker inputs, so is there a way of getting the red and black on the iso to work via the red and white inputs on the head unit. sorry if i sound dumb, audio stuff is over my head, thanks again guys
vop, just read your reply again, think i know where ur coming from, one plug both wires, into either, red or white input yeah
interesting what you say vop, what will be happening is the subs will either be in pase or out of phase, if you connect them whe wrong way round. As long as it works it does not realy matter how it is connected.
success guys, done what you,ve suggested, had a couple of old audio plugs trial and error but ive got there, sound is loads better, for a cheap head unit before it sounded cheap, now we have some bass and it sounds good, not quite the drive around the streets with windows down with the neons underneath ha ha, but let them that want to annoy everyone doing that carry on, once again cheers guys job well done

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