18 stoner

Active Member
Been having lots of trouble with my 110 v8 carbs.

Options are looking for decent replacement carbs (at a reasonable price) or, i have been offered a complete 3.5 Efi RRC with a good motor and gas for £400 to convert.

Question is, does anyone know whats involved fitting the ECU, wiring, etc?

Many thanks in advance, Pete.
What can possibly go wrong with SU Carbs?

Clean them up well, set them up well, and they'll go forever.

Hi Pete i run 1989 110 with a rover 3.5 V8 motor built to nascar spec nocking out 270+bhp and HP22/ZF4 autobox, the motor is tuned for bottom end and it runs a MS2.1 megasqurt ECU its fully programable and it can be switch over to a LPG program this advances the ignition 15' and turns off the fuel pump and injectiors, all you would need from the rangie is tank or the fuel pump and inlet/injection manefold compleat if its the flappy or hotwire type system most probly a lucas flappy type being a 3.5, you can sell the airflow meter and ECU as the were used on RR/SD1/TVR, the megasquert moniters pressure direct to the manefold and if you spec it right you could use a wasted spark system (this is the next mod for mine) whitch use's a crank trigger and two ford fourcylinder coil packs and a ford V8 mustang ignition module this gets rid of the dizzy and means the motor will run near water!! haha, the megasquert gives 33% better mpg over stock thats petrol or LPG and as i said is fully tuneable have a look at Megasquert.com or extraefi.co.uk mine came from mtechautomotive.co.uk there not cheep £700 but it was well worth it as my motor was tuned it ment we got the best out of it and not over complacated 9 or 14 wires to connect and there all from the rover ecu plug and you can download new programs on the forum's. all the best Roy
What can possibly go wrong with SU Carbs?

Clean them up well, set them up well, and they'll go forever.

I could not aggree more with you mate, at worse it's just needles and tubes you'd need to bring em back to as good as new. No way would I be looking to convert from good old carbs to bloody EFi.
The only thing I would replace SU's with would be some decent Webbers or Holleys.:cool:
I'm thinking about doing the opposite

Back to carbs?

Good plan.

SUs give more top-end power than Webers of the same choke-sizes, but Webers give better torque, especially low down.

That's the way it used to be anyway. Loads of people ASSUMED it would be the other way round. Those of us who had access to a dynamometer soon found out the true facts!

Has anyone ever used a holly carb for offroad racing or serious offroad? Well I was in a mota that kept dying every bump it died and spluttered its way back to life when the ground smoothed out. Great for road racing not so good for off roading unles it has the offroad setup thats ££££ Jai
I know that the float bowls on a Holley are pretty peculiar - it mite be that it was getting fuel starvation and flooding, depending on attitude.
It was a mahussivly long hill climb that failed due to the engine dying think it was flooding but hey I was just a passenger along for a what seemed like a long but not so steep hill climb reckon my 90 could have driven it. The damn hybrid didn't make it half way but it were a wee bit bumpy. Jai
did it backfire at all - coz if so he might have bollixed the power valve. He might need to fit the PV check valve.
Keep the SU's strip them dowm and send them to burlen fuel systems to be re bushed for the spindles, that will cost you £30 a carb buy rebuild kits of them for £100 them assemble yourself, dead easy to do they give you full instructions if your not sure, you will then have a good set of carbs that will last for years. If your timing is perfect and you keep the carbs clean it will run great and no elecrical sh-t- to go wrong and give silly faults.

EFI is good if its all new stuff but that will cost more than rebuilding the carbs yourself.
Keep the SU's strip them dowm and send them to burlen fuel systems to be re bushed for the spindles, that will cost you £30 a carb buy rebuild kits of them for £100 them assemble yourself, dead easy to do they give you full instructions if your not sure, you will then have a good set of carbs that will last for years. If your timing is perfect and you keep the carbs clean it will run great and no elecrical sh-t- to go wrong and give silly faults.

EFI is good if its all new stuff but that will cost more than rebuilding the carbs yourself.

I wonder what the Main Stealer list prices would be to supply and fit a whole efi system to a carb V-8?

Any guesses?

I bought a NEW Mini-Van on 23 December 1965 for £360 including car tax.

I later tried to cost all the bits to make a MiniVan at retail over the counter prices.

I gave up at about £8,000 with a few bits still to price!

It's amazing how LITTLE car parts cost at the factory, and how much over the retail counter.

hi mate just read yer message cheers

Trouble is I'm after the manifold etc as well... from an auto for the kickdown link as well hopefully. thanks though Grant

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