
New Member

My name is Daniel Faulkner and I am currently starting my second year Product Design A-level project that is based around creating an architectural model. I have decided to base my model on the Land Rover showroom, in particular, the ex-showroom on Stafford Street in Wolverhampton. I have decided that I want to redesign the showroom as I love the Land Rover brand and I have known of that particular showroom for years. I am going to be using Jaguar Land Rover's design principals throughout my design to create a realistic concept model. For this project to be sucessful, I need to communicate with a client related to the company in order to recieve feedback and ideas for the concept model.

I do however need a second client; and this client preferably needs to be a Land Rover owner, and someone who uses their vehicles and the showrooms to share ideas with and point me in the right direction with my project.

Anyone willing to help me out? :lvhug-035:


Daniel Faulkner
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My name is Daniel Faulkner and I am currently starting my second year Product Design A-level project that is based around creating an architectural model. I have decided to base my model on the Land Rover showroom, in particular, the ex-showroom on Stafford Street in Wolverhampton. I have decided that I want to redesign the showroom as I love the Land Rover brand and I have known of that particular showroom for years. I am going to be using Jaguar Land Rover's design principals throughout my design to create a realistic concept model. For this project to be sucessful, I need to communicate with a client related to the company in order to recieve feedback and ideas for the concept model.

I do however need a second client; and this client preferably needs to be a Land Rover owner, and someone who uses their vehicles and the showrooms to share ideas with and point me in the right direction with my project.

Anyone willing to help me out? :lvhug-035:


Daniel Faulkner

Your find Most here think evoque a pile designed by airhead victoria Beckham, the sports are for chav's, drug dealers and new money.

So if your looking for a design that is reliable, comfortable and easy to repair sure your get help, if it is Essex codpiece then another forum better
Welcome and good luck with your project.


You may be in the wrong place, don't know if I speak for many here but my take on this is -

I do not go near any Main Dealers, they are far too expensive for parts. I can't afford a new vehicle and judging by the design of their lovely buildings they have to re-coup the cash fro somewhere and it isn't going to be me.
They also don't seem to very good at sorting old fashioned faults, seem to emply 'Technicians' these days who just swap out parts, gone are the days of the good old mechanic who could sort anything with the silver foil out of a fag packet.

The reason I joined the forum in the first place was to learn more about my Land Rover to allow ne to do most of the repais myself thus avoiding Dealers.

I do wish you luck with your project though.:D
By following the design principle do you mean you're now going to make something overpriced, overly bling covered, breaks as soon as it runs out of warranty and looks like it just drove out of Essex after a week long shopping session and fake tan binge ?
By following the design principle do you mean you're now going to make something overpriced, overly bling covered, breaks as soon as it runs out of warranty and looks like it just drove out of Essex after a week long shopping session and fake tan binge ?

You forgot the £20 whore (katie price)
Oh and dont get drivel to design it
How about a galvanised independent suspension chassis with plastics as us cheap skates can't afford carbon fibre.
So to recap

Chinese manufactured galvanised chassis plastic body with engine the equivalent of a geriatric donkey for poor

Chinese manufactured galvanised chassis carbon fibre body with super charged engine and carbon ceramic brakes slammed to the floor on 22inch rubber for the essex crew
Think he said he wants to design a land rover show room? Well the extensive parts section should be a must :rolleyes:

What's special about a land rover show room? Apart from the obvious bimbos asking "is it available in pink babes?"
Isn't it just a normal show room with land rovers added in after?
Anyhow good luck with it
Having read the replies here, I know I am in the right forum. Shame the OP isn't! Good luck anyway with your project.....
Good project!
Showrooms aim at particular clients, now Land Rover as you will now have seen in recent (successful) wisdom have aimed at the new money, overseas mainly markets for the bling and shiny.
Roots however are a vehicle going where no one in high heels or a tailored suit ever ventures, and its this that the whole new image in a bizarre way is built on.
Maybe go for a roots to modern theme shows the breed.
Anyways not sure what angle ya looking for but good luck.
Most of us on here own the ones that arent scared ow getting cow **** on the tyres :)
If you are designing a LR showroom, don't forget the unreliable electrical systems, the leaky roof and faulty plumbing. An alarm that goes off constantly would also be par for the course.
Dim lighting supplied by those masters of electricity Lucas, entrance doors that fall of in the Freelander zone, rust on all important structural areas of the building and a climate control system that ensures boiling hot temperatures in summer and sub zero in winter, oh and maybe get the windows to ice up on the inside to. Then garnish the place with a liberal splattering of chequer plate (black naturally) along the corroded areas of the building.

The design spect should be:

No window or door mechanism should work properly from new, intermittent faults are acceptable

Electrical system should be designed as per 1920 building codes

Building structure to have absolutely no anti corrosion applied

General build quality should be that of a child's woodland den or Air fix Lancaster bomber assembled by Stephen Hawkins during a really nasty fit.
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Dim lighting supplied by those masters of electricity Lucas, entrance doors that fall of in the Freelander zone, rust on all important structural areas of the building and a climate control system that ensures boiling hot temperatures in summer and sub zero in winter, oh and maybe get the windows to ice up on the inside to. Then garnish the place with a liberal splattering of chequer plate (black naturally) along the corroded areas of the building.

The design SPEC. should be:
No window or door mechanism should work properly from new, intermittent faults are acceptable
Electrical system should be designed as per 1920 building codes
Building structure to have absolutely no anti corrosion applied
General build quality should be that of a child's woodland den or Air fix Lancaster bomber assembled by Stephen Hawkins during a really nasty fit.

Plus highly erratic working hours and automatic air freshener thingies that go off as you walk past that smell of EP90, melting electrics, sprouty clutch and burning £20 notes to get the prospective new owner used to what they have to come... :D
I dont fully understand the question.

I didn't all together when I read it earlier...

In my day research for A level/BA/MSc was based on fieldwork and study of similar sites... :rolleyes:

Kids these days don't know they're born... Getting Phd's by asking daft questions on **** fora... :rolleyes::confused::rolleyes::rolleyes::p

If he ever comes back... :rolleyes:
The I/R showroom in Stafford street (bushbury landrover ) when it first became a L/R dealer also had a very nice service centre a little way out of town that has also closed down, when i bought my disco2 from them in 02 the sales people very good, service very crap= closed down.
Welcome to the zone the older landies are better any way past 2010 I don't not like all they are , are electrical problems and not good old diy and the design are getting worse a convertible evoque hahaha bloody horrid haha just stick with the good old dizzys, defenders and series 2a and 3

Thank you all for your responses. Just to reiterate, my project is to redesign a Land Rover showroom, not a vehicle. :biggrin1:

I have some questions for you all...

  • What colour scheme and design features would you like to be emphasised in a new showroom?​
  • What would be the main purpose of a new showroom?​
  • What things are needed in a showroom? (ie. seating area, cafeteria)​
  • What shape and size would you like the showroom to be?​
  • What materials would you prefer the showroom to be made out of?​
  • What things are important in a car showroom?​
  • What features would you like to see in a new car showroom?​
  • What things stand out inside a car showroom?​
  • How should the showroom be designed? (ie. materials, size, shapes)​
At the end of my project, I need to have produced an architectural model of my showroom which is why I need to produce a specification with the feedback of Land Rover consumers.​
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I didn't all together when I read it earlier...

In my day research for A level/BA/MSc was based on fieldwork and study of similar sites... :rolleyes:

Kids these days don't know they're born... Getting Phd's by asking daft questions on **** fora... :rolleyes::confused::rolleyes::rolleyes::p

If he ever comes back... :rolleyes:

That was a little disrespectful. All I'm trying to do is seek advice for my course. :rolleyes:
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What colour scheme and design features would you like to be emphasised in a new showroom?

White or transparent materials - you want the cars to be the focus, not the materials used to build the building.

What would be the main purpose of a new showroom?

To view the vehicle you intend on buying

What things are needed in a showroom? (ie. seating area, cafeteria)

Seating for waiting area, some kind of drink (if you're spending over 20k, you want at least something for free ;) ) toilets, enough room to be able to have a good look at the cars, the show room up here crams them all in, it's a bit overwhelming/annoying.

What shape and size would you like the showroom to be?

I guess nowadays you'd need it to be quite modern, and big to be able to compete with other brands. Curved glass walls etc...

What materials would you prefer the showroom to be made out of?

Ones that wont fall down when the wind blows.

What things are important in a car showroom?

Space, and a good selection of vehicles… it's annoying when you go to see a certain car and they don't have one there for you to look at - granted a station wagon isn't that much different to a hard top (defenders) but you'd still want to see it in the flesh without having to imagine it having windows or not.

What features would you like to see in a new car showroom?

I think land rover garages should have a massive area outside that incorporates a race track, with a green lane/off road section in the middle so you can try out the different vehicles… like a mini nurburgring, i'd have loved that - taking a car round the local estate isn't really letting you test its capabilities…

Also there should be at least one vehicle of every colour the offer - those little swatches are useless, and colour is important to us girls ;)

And there really should be a section of screens where you can custom build your vehicle - they have this function on the new website for most of them but not the defender :confused: That's the kind of thing I like to be able to mess around with and to be honest in terms of them making money, someone is more likely to spend more cash when they've spent some time customising their car and got their heart set on it. Have you seen how expensive their option packs are :eek: :eek: :eek:

I'd also like sales people that actually know what they're on about :D

What things stand out inside a car showroom?

You'd hope the cars...

How should the showroom be designed? (ie. materials, size, shapes)

Ok… design it so when you walk in there is a semi circle of every car to the right - maybe in a curved section - then have a small seating area with screens where you can custom build your car and a small area for drinks… some cake wouldn't go amiss. Have a huge wall with cars in all the colour options to the left side and some sales desks along one side… reception desk in the middle - then at the back you can have a massive decked area that has a glass canopy and sofas overlooking the race track and off road course :D To the left of that have a massive warehouse type area with sections for defenders, discos, ranges etc and have enough space so people can have a proper look at the car they actually want… And you even have a little play area for childerlings with mini landies :)
What colour scheme and design features would you like to be emphasised in a new showroom?

White or transparent materials - you want the cars to be the focus, not the materials used to build the building.

What would be the main purpose of a new showroom?

To view the vehicle you intend on buying

What things are needed in a showroom? (ie. seating area, cafeteria)

Seating for waiting area, some kind of drink (if you're spending over 20k, you want at least something for free ;) ) toilets, enough room to be able to have a good look at the cars, the show room up here crams them all in, it's a bit overwhelming/annoying.

What shape and size would you like the showroom to be?

I guess nowadays you'd need it to be quite modern, and big to be able to compete with other brands. Curved glass walls etc...

What materials would you prefer the showroom to be made out of?

Ones that wont fall down when the wind blows.

What things are important in a car showroom?

Space, and a good selection of vehicles… it's annoying when you go to see a certain car and they don't have one there for you to look at - granted a station wagon isn't that much different to a hard top (defenders) but you'd still want to see it in the flesh without having to imagine it having windows or not.

What features would you like to see in a new car showroom?

I think land rover garages should have a massive area outside that incorporates a race track, with a green lane/off road section in the middle so you can try out the different vehicles… like a mini nurburgring, i'd have loved that - taking a car round the local estate isn't really letting you test its capabilities…

Also there should be at least one vehicle of every colour the offer - those little swatches are useless, and colour is important to us girls ;)

And there really should be a section of screens where you can custom build your vehicle - they have this function on the new website for most of them but not the defender :confused: That's the kind of thing I like to be able to mess around with and to be honest in terms of them making money, someone is more likely to spend more cash when they've spent some time customising their car and got their heart set on it. Have you seen how expensive their option packs are :eek: :eek: :eek:

I'd also like sales people that actually know what they're on about :D

What things stand out inside a car showroom?

You'd hope the cars...

How should the showroom be designed? (ie. materials, size, shapes)

Ok… design it so when you walk in there is a semi circle of every car to the right - maybe in a curved section - then have a small seating area with screens where you can custom build your car and a small area for drinks… some cake wouldn't go amiss. Have a huge wall with cars in all the colour options to the left side and some sales desks along one side… reception desk in the middle - then at the back you can have a massive decked area that has a glass canopy and sofas overlooking the race track and off road course :D To the left of that have a massive warehouse type area with sections for defenders, discos, ranges etc and have enough space so people can have a proper look at the car they actually want… And you even have a little play area for childerlings with mini landies :)

Its a little bit stating the obvious innit. Im not sure these are intelligent questions.

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