
New Member
I have a 1975 short wheel base 2.25 diesel. I hadn’t driven it for a while. The clutch seems to be stuck in off. I have tried to loosen the plates by starting it in gear, forwards and in reverse. Having to stall the vehicle to stop it. This worked before when this had happened before, I have now put a stick on the clutch pedal to keep it down to maybe help free it. The rest of the vehicle is in perfect condition and starts fiorst timwe no matter how long its not been started, and I work in Austria in the winter. The vehicle is now in Austria and I need to get the vehicle fixed to bring it back in april. Do you have an idea how to free the clutch, is it a major job to replace or to free the plates. Any ideas will be greatly welcomed.
Hi there
This is a bit weird, cos i had the exact same problem not more than 4 days ago, however, i managed to fix it. Try jacking up one of the wheels, and get some play in them, because mine was stuck in reverse, and freeing the wheel allowed me to get it out of gear, to put it back in to gear to try and stall it. Don't know whether this will help, hope it does.
its not stuck in gear the clutch will not engage, so cant put into gear unless engine not started. nut can then start in gear as it is parked on the flat. cheers for yr reply
do you mean your clutch will not disengage or that it will not engage? from what you say it sounds like it wont disengage.
if the plates stuck to the fly wheel start it up in first gear with the transfer box in neutral then crash it into low box,it worked for ready for the jerk and quick on the clutch,if your talking about the opposite i,ve had that too check your slave cylinder ain,t full of crud and seized it up,hope it helps

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