
Active Member
my landy has a prima engine with the 200 tdi starter . got in it today started it up (been standing for 2 weeks) left it for 2 mins just ticking over when it sounded as if the starter had decided to re-engauge. knocked it off and restarted it and it was fine. not sure where to start looking for the fault. any ideas would be grat thanks.:confused:
I didnt know they were compatible.
Personally I dont think the motor would re-engage itself, I would be looking for an electrical fault somewhere on the signal that goes to the solenoid that tells the starter to go, like a short to a + bringing in the starter when it shouldnt, or possibly a knacked ignition switch.
If the starter pinion was loose or something it would grind against the ring gear rather than engage itself.
If it keeps doing it then start the engine, disconnect the thin wire to the starter and leave it for a while, or even do this while your using the vehicle (you'd have to do it every time you start up, or stall), if it doesnt do it with the wire disconnected then the starters fine, if it does do it the starters knacked or incompatible.
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well looks like iv got to take the fooker off now. i think its seized,as it sounds like its staining to engage. could be rusted up . how easy is it to lube/grease up?? thanks.
Shouldnt be so hard, think theres 2 screws at the back for the brushgear and 2 long 8mm bolts for the corepack, be carefull when pulling it apart you dont fook up the brushes or lose the spring if it has one.

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