
New Member
So I was on a motorway run today where I noticed a sort of Resonating/rubbing noise intermitantly. One second on, one second off etc.

Had a play around with it and I couldnt notice it up to 50 but above that it was regular but the pause became less the faster I got.

Sounded to be coming mid-car(ish) but other than that I have no ideas.

Not noticed it before until recent changes..
-Changed back to road tyres from mud-terrains
-Had the wheels balanced and tracking done (No streighter.. damn HiQ!)

Any Ideas?

does the noise come from the tunnel, i had this problem and found my front prop bearing, the triangle shaped one lost aome of its ball bearings which made the noise bang on 50 mph,

before that i got all the wheels balanced and tracked to no avail, and the noise wasnt there below or above 50 mph,

if u put ur hand on the prop and see if there is any play on it , also check the vcu mountings and have a look around to see if theres any play in any mountings etc,

also the brakes arnt sticking are they

i found a local garage who got hold of a new front bearing for me which saved me having to buy a new prop, once fitted the noise went

just an idea and hope it may help

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So I was on a motorway run today where I noticed a sort of Resonating/rubbing noise intermitantly. One second on, one second off etc.

Had a play around with it and I couldnt notice it up to 50 but above that it was regular but the pause became less the faster I got.

Sounded to be coming mid-car(ish) but other than that I have no ideas.

Not noticed it before until recent changes..
-Changed back to road tyres from mud-terrains
-Had the wheels balanced and tracking done (No streighter.. damn HiQ!)

Any Ideas?

The noise/ resonance is likely coming from the VCU. Start with simple checks first.
You say you changed the tyres. So are the replacement tyres all the same make, model, size and correct pressure? Are the least worn on the rear?
If so then you need to look at the VCU. Is its mass damper intact and securely fastened.
Next look at the support bearings. Do the rubber mounts look to be in good condition.
Next remove the prop shafts. Does the resonance go? If so more investigation is needed as to the cause, but you will prove it to be VCU/ prop shafts related.
If you've had muds on, sounds like you've been offroad, the tyres might have been masking the noise.

A mate had a noise on a FL was difficult to identify, turned out the exhaust had been pushed out of line during offroad use, only made a noise at certain revs.

Can you get it on a lift and have a good tug at everything?
Have yoy been driving in on wet roads sounds daft but first rime after I put chunkys on I wondered what was going on sounded lime the wheela were falling off compaired to at/road tyres..
good ROUND tyres make a big difference to a smooth running motor, i noticed this last year , had a drumming noise , thought it was wheel bearings, but put 4 new tyres on and its now driving like it was new,

also swap the rears over every service to even out the cross wear(service bulletin)
Not had chance to go out and poke just yet but the back box on the exhaust is fahooked. Could it be that? Seems strange that it would be on off on off noise though if it was that!
So Been out for a spin tonight, on the power up to 70 and there is the noise, out of gear and coasting down hill at 70 and the noise stops.

Guessing this means it can't be prop/vcu as they will still be moving but is more than likely the exhaust due to more or less gasses going through it.

Am I on the right tracks?
The noise/ resonance is likely coming from the VCU. Start with simple checks first.
You say you changed the tyres. So are the replacement tyres all the same make, model, size and correct pressure? Are the least worn on the rear?
If so then you need to look at the VCU. Is its mass damper intact and securely fastened.
Next look at the support bearings. Do the rubber mounts look to be in good condition.
Next remove the prop shafts. Does the resonance go? If so more investigation is needed as to the cause, but you will prove it to be VCU/ prop shafts related.

Have you done any of this lot?

If you ask for help and then ignore good advice we will struggle to help. Freewheeling removes the load on a lot of components so can change the noises heard. It could be the exhaust but is it linked to engine speed or road speed. Ie does it make the noise at a lower speed in 4th gear?
I had that on my old D1. Was the prop shaft thingamajig. Don't ask me exactly cos the garage sorted it.

Hi there my friend,

Thanks a lot for the advice.
Today i also noticed that the noise is there even when i rev up in place, without moving the car at all.

Here i upload a video where you can see (from 0:20sec-more) when i rev up around 2800 rpm the sound is there only in one point.

Is the problem in the engine mounts, filter, or maybe low consumption of gas or air in that moment so it shows not even working??

Hi there my friend,

Thanks a lot for the advice.
Today i also noticed that the noise is there even when i rev up in place, without moving the car at all.

Here i upload a video where you can see (from 0:20sec-more) when i rev up around 2800 rpm the sound is there only in one point.

Is the problem in the engine mounts, filter, or maybe low consumption of gas or air in that moment so it shows not even working??


No mine only did it on the move, not standstill, and increased in intensity the faster I went. It was more of a "whoop, whiney" kind of noise...

There are lots more people on here (in fact everyone else probably) that know more than me.

Hope you get it sorted soon and it's not too serious.
No mine only did it on the move, not standstill, and increased in intensity the faster I went. It was more of a "whoop, whiney" kind of noise...

There are lots more people on here (in fact everyone else probably) that know more than me.

Hope you get it sorted soon and it's not too serious.

Thanks pal,

i now that here are more people than now much more than me and can help sort this out.
Thanks for your help also.


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