
Hi, l've had my 110 td5 about a month now and l've got this sort of hi pitch shiming type noise from the gearbox area, up till yesterday it only happened every now and then. lt only does it when you're driving on light throttle or in traffic on over run when there's no load on the box,(mostly in 4th) it sound like someone with a dremel underneath. Apart from this it drives well, its a 2000 with 34,000 on the clock with main dealer history.

Eyup RottenRich, wots the boxes like for oil chap. Might be worth seeing how much and wot comes out then refill it.

Regards WP.
Yeah l'm going to check the boxes monday, l might be wrong but it doesn't sound like its right inside box, you half expect it to stop when you grab hold of the gear stick, if you know what l mean.
lt sounds a bit like a dics cutter with a metal blade in, like they use to cut paving slabs, it sounded just as loud outside when l was going through a tunnel.
RottenRich said:
lt sounds a bit like a dics cutter with a metal blade in, like they use to cut paving slabs, it sounded just as loud outside when l was going through a tunnel.
does dipping the clutch make any difference?
8{|> said:
does dipping the clutch make any difference?
Yeah it stops as soon as you dip the clutch.
l've just been trying to get some gearbox oil, the hand book says texaco MTF 94 for the main box and multigear 75w 90r for the other, halfords do the multigear (when they've got it in stock) but not the texaco, what else can l use ?

slob said:
are you sure its not the release bearing that is making the noise?
l'm starting to think this, but why only in high gears ? as in 4th & 5th.
l'll take it out tomorrow for a run before l do anything and see if its still doing it.
RottenRich said:
l'm starting to think this, but why only in high gears ? as in 4th & 5th.
l'll take it out tomorrow for a run before l do anything and see if its still doing it.

Do you have air con fitted?
lts funny it didn't seem so loud today when it started raining :confused: l'm going to have a good look at the front propshaft there seems to be a bit of a clonk coming from the front, also going to try some of that evolution oil from in the boxes, and then bollocks to it, l'll live with it.
RottenRich said:
lts funny it didn't seem so loud today when it started raining :confused: l'm going to have a good look at the front propshaft there seems to be a bit of a clonk coming from the front, also going to try some of that evolution oil from in the boxes, and then bollocks to it, l'll live with it.
Check with Landrover whether yours was part of the recall for td5 flywheel problems & whether it was checked
We have a customer come into the shop with the same type of problem and we did end up replacing the recalled part.
l went for a drive last night and the noise was the worst its been, l had a look round underneath this morning and got a screwdriver in uj's, no movement, l hit a few things here and there with the hammer, went out to do a bit of running about and it hasn't made the noise all day :confused:
Next time you here the noise dip the clutch, and take your foot off the throttle, if the sound abate its the engine side of the drivetrain, either clutch, release bearing, or damping flywheel. :(
If it doesn't abate the cause is in the transmission side of the drivetrain, either gearbox, transfer box, props, diffs, cv's :( :(

Any of the above will involve some time consuming or expensive work before you can, poke with a screwdriver or hit with a hammer, the part thats defective :D

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