
New Member
can any one help???????????????????????? every now and again the indicators illuminate on the car all of them either flashing or most of the time on steady, usually when im in bed draining the batt completely.

has any one experienced this or knows what could be causing this?

cheers in advance
thanks dopey,

sorry to be a pain do you know where the flasher relay is, i do have the aerial off the receiver at the mo because somethin kept waking the becm that seems to have cured that problem, till i feel flush enough to buy a new receiver.

cant understand why the indicators come on in the first place tho???

cheers steve
Have a look in your service book it in there, all the use numbers and ratings etc
This isnt the most common problem but what you have described sounds like a problem with the BeCM. The computer under your drivers seat which is the brain of your P38.

Have a look here for others who have had the same symptoms.

Its usually a failed mosfet inside the BeCM that causes the behaviour. Unfortunately if it is the BeCM you are limited in the options you have to fix the problem, if you read the page above it lists possible solutions.

HTH and good luck, let us know how you get on...

-Wills :)

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