
Active Member
Hi Guys, got some range rover bother but since when was that something new?!

My 96 P38 DSE has developed an odd idling issue that has got me scratching my head and needing some advice. Trying to get the thing ready for its MOT as its been off the road a short while and the list is getting longer!

When you first start her she'll idle smooth, revs drop after a short while as it warms up a little and then it start to idle irratically...

Its hard to describe, its stutters like a bit like a missfire and every now and again it'll rev to 2k by itself and return to normal after a second or so. Once it gets close to normal running temps it starts to idle perfectly again.:confused: as soon as it starts to cool it starts again.

I wouldn't mind as its only doing the run to the top of the farm to sort the horses just now but the sudden revving to 2k is a tad trouser staining when your letting it engine brake down a step muddy hill!

I've checked the fuel lines and there are no bubbles in them when this is going on, it's had a new lift pump a few months back as well. If you give it a little bit of a rev or hold it slighlt above idle it runs perfectly. On checking further today I noticed a weeping leak off pipe so I've changed them but no difference.

Anyone have any ideas on what i should be checking next?
Thanks Wammers, do you know if there's a limp home mode / default setting with this unplugged as a way to diagnose it? Or is it more likely to just not play ball! Need to go dig my copy of rave off the shelf...

Guy I know with diagnostics is going to be tricky to get hold of for a while and having no MOT I'm a bit stuck!
Thanks Wammers, do you know if there's a limp home mode / default setting with this unplugged as a way to diagnose it? Or is it more likely to just not play ball! Need to go dig my copy of rave off the shelf...

Guy I know with diagnostics is going to be tricky to get hold of for a while and having no MOT I'm a bit stuck!

You need diag. You might win guessing but it can get pretty expensive with a couple of wrong guesses. Diag should give you a more rounded picture.
Yeah, know where your coming from mate. I do prefer to try and diagnose the actual fault rather then play parts shotgun and throw money at the thing its just the issue of getting it somewhere with diag at the moment. I'll have to try and pull in some favours!

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