
New Member
Hi guys,
Im really stumped here, been out of some greenlanes and the landy was faultless allday, then on the way home developed this strange noise, my transfur box has abit if backlash but no up and down movement, everything externally looks ok, any ideas what this could be? I whipped the seat up to get a better clip, the noise starts from about 10mph but doesnt seem speed related? In the clip it sounds like a knock but its much more like a bearing chatter, it previously did this the whole 20 mile journey home

Any ideas

Cheers guys
Forgot to mension its a 300tdi with an r380 box, it wont let me upload the video. Are there any common issues with transfur boxes? Its had new oil in it
Forgot to mension its a 300tdi with an r380 box, it wont let me upload the video. Are there any common issues with transfur boxes? Its had new oil in it
I can't see any clip. But it could be the bearings of the centre gear cluster in the transfer box beginning to fail. Or quite a few other issues.

The most common issue with these is poor spelling. They are transfer boxes. Because they transfer the power from the gearbox to the propshaft.

Not because they are furry! :D

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