
Active Member
hi guys, my disco is still temperamental at starting and its too cold and I dont have time to look at it properly just yet.
it starts 50% of the time, the other 50% i have to bridge the starter motor with a screw driver.
would like to keep it where you still need keys turned in ignition for security but just checking if there is an easier way of wiring than my plan.
I was planning to attach wires to the 2 bridging points that I touch with screw driver to a rubber boat engine starter button.
idea being I turn ignition on with keys, it doesn't start, I push the button with bridges the starter for me removing the need for more to use screwdriver.

Take a live from ign. switch, through the push button to the small wire on the starter solenoid, or are you bridging the two largest connectors on the starter? In which case you’re looking at a totally different approach
bridging from the spade connector.
taking spade off and bridging that to the bigger nut and then putting spade back on when its fired up
bridging from the spade connector.
taking spade off and bridging that to the bigger nut and then putting spade back on when its fired up
Loads of info and diagrams on the www.
I understand that the factory fitted systems is a bit more sophiscated all part of a key less entry, ive owned two cars with a start stop buttion and its tied into the security system, therefore all it had to do is get in the car and place the fob into its holder and press the dash button.
fitted today. all good as starts on button but immobiliser still working so won't fire with immobiliser fob and key.

how noticed though that I believe its the starter solenoid that's on its way out as battery is new and strong and you hear it click but doesnt crank, you hear a lazy turn and it fires.
going to look at repairing/replacing starter see if that helps.

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