John Morris

New Member
Hi All.

I have just had my beloved Landy stolen. Looking for any assistance in recovering the vehicle.

It is a Series 3, Safari Station Wagon In Cream.

Reg - GHB 233V.

Untainted Galv Chassis, chequer plate on wing taps, large new non standard wheels & tyres with centre facing seats in rear.

This was my pride and joy any help will be truly appreciated.

Fingers Crossed.

While security devices are a damn good idea, think it a bit harsh to fire questions in a fairly aggresive manner at folk who've just had their Landy nicked. :(
While security devices are a damn good idea, think it a bit harsh to fire questions in a fairly aggresive manner at folk who've just had their Landy nicked. :(

I appreciate that and I'm damned sorry it's happened to the bloke - I wouldn't wish it on anyone, believe me. :(

But is it really too much to ask to let people know what security was in use at the time so that we can possibly learn something from it???
We all know landys are notoriously difficult to secure no matter what devices you fit, if thieves cant nick the whole vehicle they'll nick as many bits as they can carry. There's only so much you can do :rolleyes:
We all know landys are notoriously difficult to secure no matter what devices you fit, if thieves cant nick the whole vehicle they'll nick as many bits as they can carry. There's only so much you can do :rolleyes:

You basically have two choices Nigel. Either you try to gather what intelligence you can to at least attempt to minimise the risk to your vehicle, or you just do bugger all and then bitch about the police not doing anything etc when some crim saunters up unlocks and starts your landy using an old lolly stick they found lying next to it in the gutter.

It's a matter of doing your best, that's all. If it then still gets nicked, then so be it.

To the OP - I hope you get your vehicle back man and I hope you understand why I'm asking you about what security (if any) you were using.
I didn't reply to security post as I was looking for help not some smart arse comments. I do not know what security as I have joined on behalf of my father, however I would suspect little or none.
We are looking for some pictures to post onto the site. I would imagine by now the car has been stripped for bits and my farther who is in his seventies is slowly comming to terms with his loss.
Thanks. My old man is a real Landyman and had his for over 15 years, he can not believe how much good condition Landy,s are being sold for.

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