
Active Member
Saw this posted on Instagram, stolen Friday apparently, sounds like they just removed the roof bars and took the lot.
Are other people as ****.d off by the thieves in our society? Personally I'd be glad to pay more taxes for more police and hopefully see these Fuc.ers jailed. I'd also be happy to see them sent to jails where they had to work to get Fed. Fuc. i'm ****.d at this ongoing do nothing "it's a social issue" . Put those ****s in Jail.
Are other people as ****.d off by the thieves in our society? Personally I'd be glad to pay more taxes for more police and hopefully see these Fuc.ers jailed. I'd also be happy to see them sent to jails where they had to work to get Fed. Fuc. i'm ****.d at this ongoing do nothing "it's a social issue" . Put those ****s in Jail.
got to agree with you there. my sons in the met. cut backs on everything. no pc,s on the beat anymore. when you see a police car, it is always on a job, they dont just drive around policing anymore.

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