
Active Member

Just wanted to bring something to everyones attention.
the other day i was looking round ebay as you do when i came accross this car,
Range Rover TD6, SALVAGE CAT B (item number 180208173488 )
After reading the advert i gave the guy a call to ask what the damage was as in the pictures there did not seem to be much, just damage to the dash and some to the head rests.
He told me that the car was on a cat B wright off because it had been stolen and they could not trace the history, ie vin numbers etc.
Having brought a car in the past that tuned out of be nicked and loosing all my money i new that on most cars these days there are a number of ways of tracing the car from other numbers and the ecu. so thinking i could grab myself a bargin i looked into the cart B side of things. This is where it got VERY Gray.
Category B - the vehicle may be broken for parts but it must never be returned to the road due to the structual damage.

To do this they NEED to know the id of the car otherwise there is nothing to put on the list.
As this car had non i gave the guy another call to be sure it was on a CAT B and not a cat D he then said that the car may not be on the list at all and was just saying that to cover his back.
I said "GREAT", as you have the key and the car runs fine i should be able to trace the cars id, he then got very defensive,
"well thats upto you if you want to trace it, but lets just say if you did someone could turn up and have a claim on the car and you could loose it"
to which i said, "what is the car still stolen then?"
and the phone just went dead.

Dont get me wrong, i could be wrong about this,I dont know may be he got a flat battery or somthing! lol

the bidding has now finished on ebay he got 6k for it. i did mean to say something on here sooner but ive been fighting with mine for the last few days!

you can still see the ad by entering the item number above in the search on ebay, take a look and see what you think!


REMEBER, if it seems to good to be true, it normally is!
having read the listing i think everything is above board......NOT he has no proof of ownership so its likely he has nicked the fecking thing himself and only 2 feedback one a 'private' listing(off a mate/second name?) and one where the item no doesn't exist
Very very dodgy vehcile indeed. He would have been better off selling the car in bits and would have probably got more for it that way!!

Obviously a stolen vehicle given the fact there is no VIN or other ID numbers on it.

I am sure that should a computer be plugged into it, serial numbers can be obtained with the ECU etc and a dealer would be able to confirm the true identification of the vehicle.

I am sure that someone will come along soon to correct me if I am wrong
As said above apart from the info being stored in the ecu there will be labels with numbers/barcodes ect on looms and other parts all over the vehicle which the right people will be able to trace through production records ect.
should ring the police really, Doesn't look like he bothered to remove the number plates, just took pics not showing them.
Heres the killer!

I did call the police when i first called him to ask about the car. Nottinghamshire police said "Humm that does sound very suspicious, if i was you and i was getting a bad vibe from him then i would just stay well away"
I then said, "well would you like the details so you can pass them on should anyone want to look into this"?

they replied.
"No its ok, I dought we could do anything before the auction ended anyway."

Lets just hope no one ever steels mine!
If I knew how and lived there too I would email the local superintendent with this thread attached and ask why the police were not willing to respond in a timely manner.
if thats the police attitude i think ill start stealing range rovers and selling them on e-bay, should have been taken seriously. Usual Paperwork situation i suppose. Downfall of the country.
I mailed the winning bidder and Tunbridge wells Police. As that is where the seller is located.
shocking attitude from the police.
they're far more interested nabbing speeders and handing out fixed penalties to otherwise law abiding citizens. anything that actually involves tackling serious crime and they're not interested. And then they march on the streets over pay and expect the general public to sympathise - well forget it!
Even when given a heap of information concerning a stolen expensive car, they do nothing. i wonder how the real owner (and his insurance company) would feel about this level of policing
shocking attitude from the police.
they're far more interested nabbing speeders and handing out fixed penalties to otherwise law abiding citizens. anything that actually involves tackling serious crime and they're not interested. And then they march on the streets over pay and expect the general public to sympathise - well forget it!
Even when given a heap of information concerning a stolen expensive car, they do nothing. i wonder how the real owner (and his insurance company) would feel about this level of policing

just about sums this whole country up really eh? ****ing ****!
I've had a reply saying the info I supplied has been handed over to the Vehicle Crime Unit. and it will be investigated
Possibly But Kent POlice are quite hot on Car crime and this guy might be known to them.
surrey police don't seem to give a toss about vehicle theft.8 years ago i was heavily into vintage motor scooters and had put a lot of time and money into restoring a historically important scooter,it got stolen and i knew who had stolen it,i had cctv evidence to confirm this and did the police give a toss?,i went to the thiefs business premises and demanded he give it back,he refused,swung a punch at me so got a good kicking.who got nicked?who got off without even so much as a slap on the wrist?who didn't get his scooter back because he was unable to prove it was his because it was unregistered having previously been on a military registration?who sold it for a lot of money?

surrey police?more like sorry police!
I had a 1957 Li150 Lambretta. with the twin sprung saddles and the headlamp in the Leg shield. Sold it to a numberplate dealer for £600.

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