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It happened 3 weeks ago - over the last 6 months there’s been a spate of thefts/attempted thefts of Landys in our area, she’s the most recent casualty that we’ve heard of. She was gorgeous - Oxford Blue, a very dark blue, with decals along the sides, & tinted rear windows. ‘99 plate, very very clean - sailed through her MOT only a month ago. She had a powerbox fitted, + reversing camera, dashcam, + a set of very recent all terrain grabber tyres. New transfer box fitted, would’ve needed a new clutch soon. There’s always a chance that the little ****tes might have offloaded her somewhere - I hate to think what else they might have done. It’s just been suggested that I post her reg number, just on the slim chance that one of you eagle-eyed LZ-ers might see her - T167 PEF.
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Daern shame,

what security did it have? a D2 can be a PITA to start if you do not have the keys.

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Daern shame,

what security did it have? a D2 can be a PITA to start if you do not have the keys.

Factory fitted alarm & immobiliser, they didn’t have the keys, they still got her. Also hasn’t shown up in any NPR.
Yer need to post up the reg number so peeps will find this fred using goo gle, if they search for it. Slim chance it's been dumped somewhere.

Posting up pic's helps jog peeps memories anorl. Especially of mods like having a farm gate as a roof rack.
Truly sad to hear of yet another despicable act by a bunch of low-lifes; hope you get the D2 back v.soon.
Yeah they probably did tow it away - still heartbroken, :(, will take me ages to get used to driving my Freelander, totally different (BMW engine, me & Mr Wonderful total Landy purists, he has a Defender 90 that he’s rebuilt), & Tilly the D2 drove like a dream, was pure class on wheels, we had every intention to keep her for ever! Ho hum, such is life - I know I’ll never get her back, she’s probably in Eastern Europe somewhere, I hope her clutch suddenly goes and whoever’s driving her gets stranded in the middle of nowhere - just willing karma along a bit!
So sorry for your loss bud, these low life's are looked after by the state. Usual chap of her comes from a broken home, or wasn't hugged enough as a child makes me sick, if only we could catch them in the act. I was followed home the other night by pick up truck, I got a sick feeling in my gut so I thought I would throw a dummy indication at a set of lights, he also indicated left so lights go green I turn right and so he. So I was well and truly on edge now. As I neared my home I got stuck at road works light , stalled her and couldn't get her started aghhhhhh
He drove past me and I thought phew, but he turned round and came back ,asking if I I needed a tow? By now Im totally freaking out. I'd left my phone at home so couldn't ring my wife. I said all was OK as wife was on way , which she wasn't. He eventually went muttering something, but pulled in about a 400 yards up road and just sat there for about half hour! He eventually drove off I then ran the mile home to get wife to tow me back. All it was that stopped me was a loose connection on alternator. I was totally freaked out though, it was just surreal. And being out in the sticks you just don't know who is about and what intentionsort people have this day and age.
Car thieves and the like ought to have their fcuking hands cut off ,up by their arm pits

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